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54th Agaline Drop Troopers



  • One lascutter per Squad
  • Six demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad
  • A single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turretmounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting



The regiment’s commander is decisive and unyielding, and once set on a course of action he seldom changes his mind. While this is invaluable during many actions his regiment undertakes, it leaves his forces inflexible in the face of changing battlefields.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Command


Drop Troops

A rare type of regiment, drop troops are extremely specialised infantry, trained for rapid strikes from airborne transports. Employing grav-chutes and attached Imperial Navy Valkyrie assault carriers to perform raids deep behind enemy lines, drop troops provide an uncommon, but potent resource to generals. Largely regarded by other Imperial Guardsmen as insane for choosing to leap out of a perfectly good aircraft in mid-flight, they are nonetheless required to be daring and courageous to dive into enemy territory, and away from the comfort of supply lines and heavy support. However, their habit of operating alone without support tends to make them somewhat distant and cold to those outside their ranks.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Fellowship

Starting Skills: Operate (Aeronautica)

Starting Talents: Catfall

Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, one grav-chute per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character.


Iron Discipline

The regiment is well-known for its unyielding devotion to duty and absolute loyalty to superiors. No man will hesitate to act when ordered, nor will they falter when carrying out those orders. The expectations of the common infantryman, however, are such that shouldering the burden of command is to take on a great and solemn responsibility, and only the humblest and most serious-minded of officers can be entrusted with warriors so devoted.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Aptitude: Willpower


Considered elite among siege regiments, these regiments combine the deadly combat prowess of elite infantry with the cunning and technical acumen of siege engineers. Where the average siege engineer’s mission is more defensive, digging trenches, breaching walls, and building fortifications, a vanguard unit’s mission is more focused on offence and mayhem. These Guardsmen travel deep behind enemy lines, either on foot or mounted in well-equipped Chimeras, to destroy infrastructure, sabotage logistical and communication lines, and cause as many problems for the enemy as they can. Many of their missions are highly classified, and are often carried out in cooperation with Storm Trooper units.

Cost: 6

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turretmounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting.


Void Born

Many worlds in the Imperium feature orbital stations that fulfil a variety of purposes, from agri-domes and trading hubs to defence stations. Considering how heavily regimented and structured life is for most Imperial subjects, it is no surprise that many individuals born to serve aboard such facilities spend their entire lives space-bound, never setting foot on a world’s surface, unless, that is, they are chosen to serve in the Imperial Guard. Because regiments are most often raised from the ranks of planetary defence forces, most such void born regiments spent time serving aboard a defence orbital. Such troopers have trained extensively in artificial and even zero-gravity environments, becoming especially adept at operating in such environments under normal conditions and in emergency situations. Void born regiments are relatively rare, and are often highly valued by the general staff for their unique skills in what are often some of the most vital and hard-fought warzones.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to Willpower and +3 to either Agility or Perception

Starting Skills: All void born characters start with Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Stellar), Operate (Aeronautica), and Tech-Use.

Charmed: It is said that the void born, even those confined to a stationary orbital station, are touched by their proximity to the stars and to the Warp. Such tales attribute unnatural luck to the void born, and misfortune for others. Whenever a void born character spends a Fate Point (but not burns a Fate Point), he rolls 1d10. On a roll of 9 or 10, the Fate Point does not count as being spent, even though the character gains the chosen benefit.

Ill-Omened: Characters born aboard void stations often seem unusual to those from the firm ground of a planet. Life amongst the machinery and cramped corridors of a void station is quite different to life beneath an open sky, and is confining even by the standards of a hive world. Additionally, void born characters are often appear unnaturally pale and gaunt. This unwholesome air, combined with the insular, clannish ways of many void born, often causes difficulties when interacting with non-void born regiments. Void born characters suffer a –10 penalty to Interaction Tests made to interact with characters who are not also void born.

Void Accustomed: Void born characters have experience moving about in zero-gravity environments, whether by dint of special training, mechanical failures, or the simple necessities of life on an orbital station. Void born characters do not treat zero gravity as Difficult Terrain. In addition, the Agility Test to stay on-target when making a Charge or Run Action in zero gravity is only Difficult (–10) for void born characters.

Wounds: Void born characters begin play with –1 starting Wound.


While most Imperial Guardsmen are proud to serve their Emperor on the field of battle and gladly go to war, this is not always the case. On some worlds that lack proud martial traditions, their tithe of manpower must be forcibly conscripted. Commissars attached to such regiments have an unenviable task, ensuring that these unwilling soldiers fulfil their duties and obey the orders of their officers, who typically are much more inclined to serve. Although few regiments can truly be considered volunteers, this Drawback represents a regiment that truly opposed being drafted into service.

Regiment Points: 3 points

Unwilling: This regiment was forcibly conscripted, perhaps at gun point, and its members serve the Imperial Guard only grudgingly. Characters from this regiment suffer a –10 penalty to all Willpower Tests, and all Command Tests to influence members of this regiment (including Comrades) suffer a –10 penalty.

Regimental Rivalry

Rivalries exist between nearly all units in the Imperial Guard. On the whole, these are mainly friendly rivalries between brothers-in-arms that express themselves in drinking contests, braggadocio, contests of escalation, and even the occasional good-natured brawl. Unfortunately, some regimental rivalries are carried too far and become less a friendly rivalry and more a seething hatred accompanied by an increasingly bitter series of confrontations and betrayals. Regimental rivalries can exist between discreet units within larger regiments such as squads or platoons, or can encompass entire regiments from the Regimental Commander all the way down to the greenest conscript. Regimental rivals take any opportunity to undermine or sabotage one another, stealing supplies, tampering with orders, duelling, spreading lies, and framing opponents for crimes. These rivalries can even, as was the case with the deadly rivalry between the Tanith 1st Light Infantry regiment and the Jantine Patricians during parts of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, go so far as outright betrayal and murder.

Regiment Points: 2

Talents: Hatred (Choose one†) and Enemy (Choose one†)

†When selecting this Regimental Drawback, a single Imperial Guard regiment must be chosen. The Hatred and Enemy choices must be the same regiment, and cannot be another unit from the Player Character’s own regiment.


The men and women of the Imperial Guard must all too often face incomprehensible horrors from beyond the veil of reality. After facing the denizens of the Warp or their mortal followers, regiments are often subject to extreme measures to ensure they are free of corruption, which may mean every soldier receiving the Emperor’s Mercy. Whether due to seeming purity, ignorance of just what they actually faced, or an oversight by the Departmento Munitorum, some regiments are reassigned despite bearing spiritual scars from their brush with the ruinous powers. In other cases, a regiment might begin to manifest signs of taint with no apparent explanation, while still others enlist bringing with them some taint from their home world, unknown to the Departmento Munitorum. Regardless of the nature and origin of its corruption, such a regiment must hide its dark secret lest it be purged by other Imperial forces.

Regiment Points: 3 points

The Touch of the Warp: For whatever reason, the soldiers of this regiment carry a spiritual and physical corruption, which manifests in horrific ways. Characters from this regiment begin play with 1d10 Corruption Points. In addition, characters from this regiment suffer an additional –10 penalty to Malignancy Tests and Tests to avoid gaining Mutations (see page 309 of the Only War Core Rulebook).


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