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Abbess Sanctorum

The abbess sanctorum is the leader of the Convent Prioris on Terra; she is also the overall spiritual leader of the Sisterhood. In military matters she is assisted by the prioress of the Convent Sanctorum. In the centuries following the Age of Apostasy, Saint Alicia Dominica led the Adepta Sororitas as founder and overall patron. Her martyrdom at the hands of the heretics of Fridewide's World left a great void in the organisation, which experienced a temporary crisis as no leader felt they were able to adequately follow in Dominica's footsteps. Eventually, the Ecclesiarch Equitius XI intervened, and ordered the leaders of each Order to select one of their number to lead. After many weeks debate, the leaders agreed by majority that Sister Palmiro of the Order of the Holy Word was most suited to take up the rank of abbess sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas. However, Sister Palmiro was an exceptionally humble woman, and declined to lead, stating that it was her intention to depart on a pilgrimage to San Leor, and that she had no desire for rank and privilege. After much debate, it was agreed that Sister Palmiro should complete her pilgrimage, but that she would take up the rank of abbess upon her return, and regard it as a welcome penance. Palmiro agreed to these terms, and after barely a standard century the tradition of electing the candidate who least desired the rank of abbess sanctorum to the post became commonplace, that she should regard it not as a privilege but as a penance, and that she should undertake a pilgrimage to San Leor before taking up the position. This tradition was maintained for most of four Terran millennia, until the election of Sister Sabrina of the Order of the Ermine Mantle. Unfortunately, Sabrina disappeared whilst on her pilgrimage, and never returned to Terra. The last sighting of Sabrina and her entourage was on the Ocean World of Habren IV, and though it is not known whether she fell prey to attack or some other misfortune, the sisters of the Order of the Ermine Mantle have embarked upon at least a dozen missions to locate her. Until she is found on her fate determined, Ecclesiarchal law dictates that the post of abbess sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas must remain vacant.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
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