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Alpha Legion Marine

Members of the Alpha Legion must be Chaos Space Marines.

Characteristic Bonus: +5 Int and + 5 Per, +15 Corruption, +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Awareness (+10) or Charm, Common Lore (Imperium) or Survival, Deceive (+30), Dodge (+10), Forbidden Lore (Psykers) or (Pirates) or (Xenos), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Scrutiny, Stealth, Stealth (+10) or Survival.

Starting Traits: Deceitful Tactics, Insurrectionist.

Starting Talents: Ancient Warrior, Cold Hearted or Jaded, Combat Formation, Disarm or Double Team, Enemy (Inquisition), Foresight, Hip Shooting or Nerves of Steel, Rapid Reload.

Starting Gear: Legion Boltgun, Legion Bolt Pistol, Four Legion Frag Grenades, Cameleoline Cloak or Disguise Kit, Demolition Kit, three clips for each bolt weapon.

Wounds: 15+1d5

Special Abilities

Deceitful Tactics: The Alpha Legion is perhaps the most enigmatic of the forces of Chaos, even among its would-be allies. Members of the Alpha Legion take full advantage of this fact, deliberately misleading and manipulating supporters and agents in favour of their own hidden objectives. Once per session, an Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine may substitute his Deceive Skill during an Opposed Infamy Test for the purposes of Obtaining Services and Manipulating Others.

Insurrectionist: The Alpha Legion is well-known for its extensive employment of agents, and individual members are adept at discovering potential allies to aid in their schemes. Once per session, an Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine may make a Challenging (+0) Scrutiny Test. If successful, the GM may reveal a contact that can help the Traitor Marine accomplish a stated goal, if any such allies are to be found. The amount of time it takes to locate the contact and the contact’s beginning disposition are left to the GM’s discretion; however, this disposition may be improved by subsequent actions.

Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines begin play as Unaligned.
Black Crusade - Archetype
Generic article | Jun 10, 2024
Black Crusade - Tome of Fate

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