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Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse, Offence, Strength, Toughness, Weapon Skill

New Talents: Either Ambidextrous and Street Fighting or Pugilist.

Specialist Equipment: Best Craftsmanship great weapon or Good Craftsmanship chainsword or Common Craftsmanship power maul, Best Craftsmanship mono knife.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Brawler can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Two Against the Odds

Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Brawler’s Comrade is used to fighting long odds with his partner. So long as the Brawler’s Comrade is within Cohesion, enemies gain no bonus for outnumbering the Brawler and the Brawler may React to Melee Attacks even if he is Unaware or Surprised.

Watch My Back!

Type: Order (Half Action)
Cost: 300 xp
Effect: The Brawler shouts for his Comrade to step in, covering his blind spots as he moves to strike. Until the start of his next Turn, all enemies suffer a –10 penalty to Weapon Skill Tests to hit the Brawler. The Brawler may make one additional Dodge or Parry Reaction before the start of his next Turn. The Brawler’s Comrade must be within communication range for him to enact this Order.

Other Associated professions
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Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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