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Dark Apostle

A Dark Apostle must be a Chaos Space Marine.

Characteristic Bonus: A Dark Apostle gains +5 Fellowship, +5 Willpower, 15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Charm, Charm +10 or Deceive, Command, Command +10, Common Lore (any one), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, The Book of Lorgar), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) or (The Warp), Intimidate or Scrutiny, Scholastic Lore (Occult) or (Legend).

Starting Talents: Air of Authority, Ancient Warrior, Demagogue, Enemy (Ecclesiarchy), Inspire Wrath, Iron Discipline, Unshakeable Will.

Starting Gear: Accursed Crozius (non-possessed), Legion bolt pistol with 2 magazines, Unholy Icon, 2 Legion frag grenades.

Wounds: 16+1d5.

Special Abilities

Harbinger of Heresy: Dark Apostles are powerful orators whose words convert entire populations to the worship of Chaos and inspire them to unite and rise up against their Imperial Oppressors. When attempting to use any Interaction Skill to affect multiple targets, a Dark Apostle may affect 10 times the number of targets normally allowed. Further, he may spend an Infamy point to re-roll an Interaction Test and add a Degree of Success to the result. A Dark Apostle may also attempt to convert any NPC target(s), including minions, with a Disposition Modifier of +20 or greater to his own heretical beliefs through an Opposed Charm Test. The Dark Apostle gains +10 on the attempt, and, if successful, he can spend an Infamy Point to mark the target(s) as Faithful. Faithful followers are zealously dedicated to the Dark Apostle’s cause as long as their disposition towards him remains positive, giving them a +10 bonus to Opposed Willpower Tests to resist hostile Interaction Skills.

Dark Devotion: Dark Apostles dedicate their every victory to the Ruinous Powers and construct nightmarish monoliths and vast icons of devotion to venerate their chosen Gods. A Dark Apostle may spend an Infamy Point to construct and dedicate a monument to the Chaos God of his choice. The size of the monument and the time required to complete its construction is subject to the Dark Apostle’s ambitions and the resources available to him, and additional Skill Tests might also be required as the GM sees fit. If the GM decides the resulting preparations are sufficient, the Dark Apostle may grant two Degrees of Success to a single Skill Test involved in a Rite or Ritual performed at the site. In addition, any Rites or Rituals that share an alignment with the monument gain a +30 Ritual Modifier, while those aligned to another God gain a –30 Ritual Modifier. Truly worthy altars can qualify as Glorifying Acts (see page 70) at the GM’s discretion.

Dark Apostles begin play as Unaligned.
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