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DH2 - Home World


A character from an agri-world applies the following beneits during character creation.

Characteristic modifiers: + Fellowship, + Strength, – Agility

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 7+)

Home World Bonus:
Strength from the Land. An agri-world character starts with the Brutal Charge (2) trait.

Home World Aptitude: Strength

Wounds: An agri-world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Daemon World

A character from a Daemon world applies the following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic modifiers: + Willpower, + Perception, – Fellowship

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 4+)

Home World Bonus: Willpower
Touched by the Warp: A Daemon world native begins with one Rank in the Psyniscience skill. Should he gain this skill again in a later step of character creation, he instead gains one additional Rank in the skill. Note that he cannot purchase more Ranks of this skill unless he acquires the Psyker aptitude. This character also begins with 1d10+5 Corruption points.

Home World Aptitude:

Wounds: A Daemon world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.

Death World

A character from a death world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Agility, + Perception, – Fellowship

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 5+)

Home World Bonus:
Survivor’s Paranoia. While a death world character is Surprised, non-Surprised attackers do not gain the normal +30 bonus to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill tests when targeting this character.

Home World Aptitude: Fieldcraft

Wounds: A death world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.

Feral World

A character from a feral world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic modifiers: + Strength, + Toughness, – Influence

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 3+)

Home World Bonus:
The Old Ways. In the hands of a feral world character, any Low-Tech weapon loses the Primitive quality (if it had it) and gains the Proven (3) quality.

Home World Aptitude: Toughness

Wounds: A feral world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.

Feudal World

A character from a feudal world applies the following beneits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers:+ Perception, + Weapon Skill, – Intelligence

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 6+)

Home World Bonus:
At Home in Armour. A feudal world character ignores the maximum Agility value imposed by any armour he is wearing.

Home World Aptitude: Weapon Skill

Wounds: A feudal world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.

Forge World

A character from a forge world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Intelligence, + Toughness, – Fellowship

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 8+)

Home World Bonus:
Omnissiah’s Chosen. A forge world character starts with either the Technical Knock or Weapon-Tech talent.

Home World Aptitude: Intelligence

Wounds: A forge world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Frontier World

A character from a frontier world applies the following beneits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Ballistic Skill, + Perception, –Fellowship

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 7+)

Home World Bonus:
Rely on None but Yourself. A frontier world character gains a +20 bonus to Tech-Use tests when applying personal weapon modiications, and a +10 bonus when repairing damaged items.

Home World Aptitude: Ballistic Skill

Wounds: A frontier world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.


A highborn character applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Fellowship, + Influence, – Toughness

Fate Threshold: 4 (Emperor’s Blessing 10+)

Home World Bonus:
Breeding Counts. Any time a highborn character would reduce his Influence, he reduces it by 1 less (to a minimum reduction of 1).

Home World Aptitude: Fellowship

Wounds: A highborn character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.

Hive World

A character from a hive world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Agility, + Perception, – Willpower

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 6+)

Home World Bonus:
Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains. A hive world character ignores crowds for purposes of movement, treating them as open terrain. When in enclosed spaces, he also gains a +20 bonus to Navigate (Surface) tests.

Home World Aptitude: Perception

Wounds: A hive world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Garden World

A character from a garden world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Fellowship, + Agility, – Toughness

Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 4+)

Home World Bonus:
Serenity of the Green. A garden world character halves the duration (rounded up) of any result from Table 8–11: Shock or Table 8–13: Mental Traumas (see pages 287 and 288 of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook), and can remove Insanity points for 50xp per point rather than the normal 100xp.

Home World Aptitude: Social

Wounds: A garden world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.

Penal Colony

A character from a penal colony applies the following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic Modifiers: + Toughness, + Perception, – Influence

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 8+)

Home World Bonus:
Finger on the Pulse: One survives a penal colony by instinctively knowing who is in charge and who is a threat. A penal colony character begins with one Rank in the Common Lore (Underworld) and Scrutiny skills, and starts with the Peer (Criminal Cartels) talent.

Home World Aptitude: Toughness

Wounds: A penal colony character starts with 10+1d5 wounds.

Quarantine World

A character from a quarantine world applies the following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic Modifiers: + Ballistic Skill, + Intelligence, – Strength

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 9+)

Home World Bonus:
Secretive by Nature: Those who manage to leave a quarantine world learn how to keep secrets. Whenever the warband’s Subtlety would decrease, it decreases by 2 less (to a minimum reduction of 1).

Home World Aptitude: Fieldcraft

Wounds: A quarantine world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds

Research Station

A character from a research station applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Intelligence, + Perception, – Fellowship

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 8+)

Home World Bonus:
Pursuit of Data. Whenever a research station character reaches Rank 2 (Trained) in a Scholastic Lore skill, he also gains Rank 1 (Known) in one related or identical Forbidden Lore skill specialisation of his choice. The GM is the final arbiter of whether the two specialisations are related.

Home World Aptitude: Knowledge

Wounds: A research station character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Shrine World

A character from a shrine world applies the following benefits during character creation.

Characteristic Modifiers: + Fellowship, + Willpower, – Perception

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 6+)

Home World Bonus:
Faith in the Creed. Whenever a shrine world character spends a Fate point, he rolls 1d10. On a result of 1, the character’s total number of Fate points is not reduced.

Home World Aptitude: Willpower

Wounds: A shrine world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.


A voidborn character applies the following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic Modifiers: + Intelligence, + Willpower, – Strength

Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 5+)

Home World Bonus:
Child of the Dark. A voidborn character starts with the Strong Minded talent, and gains a +30 bonus to tests for moving in a zero gravity environment.

Home World Aptitude: Intelligence

Wounds: A voidborn character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.

Home World or Origin
Daemon World
Death World
Feral World
Feudal World
Forge World
Frontier World
Hive World
Garden World
Penal Colony
Quarantine World
Research Station
Shrine World

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