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Flesh Shaper of Melancholia

A Flesh Shaper of Melancholia must be Human.

Characteristic Bonus: A Flesh Shaper of Melancholia gains +10 Intelligence, +5 Perception, +5 Fellowship, 18 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Awareness or Scrutiny, Charm, Charm +10, Common Lore (Melancholia), Deceive, Deceive +10, Dodge or Parry, Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, Mutants), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) or (The Warp), Inquiry or Intimidation, Interrogation, Medicae, Tech-Use or Medicae +10, Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) or (Occult). Starting Talents: Berserk Charge or Frenzy, Die Hard, Hardy, Heightened Senses (any two), Jaded, Lesser Minion of Chaos (Sculpulyte), Resistance (Fear) or (Poison), Sound Constitution or Iron Jaw, Sure Strike, Weapon Training (Las, Primary, SP, Chain), Weapon Training (Shock) or (Power).

Starting Gear: Best Craftsmanship laspistol or autopistol, Good Craftsmanship chainsword or power blade, light carapace armour, injector, medi-kit, torture tools.

Wounds: 10+1d5.

Special Abilities

Insanely Malleable: Flesh Shapers are notoriously fond of radically altering their form in order to experience new sensations, survive dangers, or merely enact some fresh terror on their victims. A Flesh Shaper may spend an Infamy Point and pass a Difficult (–10) Medicae Test to dramatically alter his physical form. If his is successful, the Flesh Shaper may then select one of the following Traits, plus one additional Trait for every Degree of Success beyond the first on the Medicae Test: Amphibious, Burrower (1), Crawler, Deadly Natural Weapons, Flyer (1), Multiple Arms (1), Natural Armour (1), Quadruped, Sturdy, Unnatural Characteristic (1), Unnatural Senses (1). If the Trait has a value in parentheses after it, then then he can select that Trait multiple times, each time increasing the value by 1 (to a maximum of 4). Every hour after taking on such a form, he must make a Challenging (+10) Willpower Test with a cumulative –10 penalty or lose the benefits of the Trait and return to its default form.

Baleful Sculptor: The twisted wretches known as Sculpulytes are among the Flesh Shaper’s most disturbing creations and often serve as sacrificial, living palettes upon which the mad surgeons practice their deranged art. A Sculpulyte must be humanoid, always counts as seduced, and must select either Monodevotant or Bestial as one of its starting Traits (additional Sculpultyes can be acquired through subsequent applications of Minion Talents). A Flesh Shaper can permanently alter the physical appearance of a Sculpulyte with a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test. In addition, a Flesh Shaper counts as having a bonus Psy-Rating of 3 when performing the Rite of Fleshmoulding (see page 54) upon a Sculpulyte and counts his Psychic Strength as Unbound.

Flesh Shapers of Melancholia begin play aligned to Slaanesh.
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