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Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Ballistic Skill, +3 Perception, +3 Agility, –3 Toughness.

Starting Skills: Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), Survival, Operate (Surface), Tech-Use, Stealth.

Starting Talents: Combat Sense, Enemy (Imperial Guard), Peer (PDF), Foresight, Accelerated Repairs, Blind Fighting.

Independent Operation: Frontier worlders are more accustomed to working far from others than many of their counterparts in other regiments. Their activities on their home planet often call for them to range far and wide, often alone, and as a result they develop a sense of confidence in this solace. On the battlefield, this frequently translates into a willingness to strike out beyond the sight of allies, confident that their compatriots will react swiftly to danger. The Comrades of a frontier world character count as being within Cohesion so long as they are within 15 metres of their Player Character.

Distrustful of Authority: Though they are valued for their ability to act independently, frontier worlders can also be difficult to control thanks to this tendency. This can be particularly problematic for newly raised regiments placed under the command of officers from outside, or for regiments merged with others after suffering losses. However, with time and patience, this friction can be overcome by outsiders who prove that they can stand on their own and contribute to the regiment. Frontier world characters tend to distrust outsiders, especially those handing out orders. They suffer a –20 penalty to Interaction Skill Tests made to interact with unfamiliar figures of authority (such as new Commissars, officers from other regiments. Senior members of the Ecclesiarchy and Adeptus Mechanicus, and other such individuals) and impose the same penalty on Interaction Skill Tests made on them by those people. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion, if the frontier world characters are dealing with individuals who have earned their trust.

Limited Numbers: When a Squad from this regiment requests reinforcements (to replace fallen Comrades), it must make a Hard (–20) Logistics Test if most of the regiment is actively deployed or an Ordinary (+10) Logistics Test if a significant portion of the regiment is not currently in the field (these Tests already include situational modifiers except those added at the GM’s discretion). If it fails, the regiment simply has no reinforcements it can spare for the Squad, and its members must soldier on until its members can put in another request for troop support.

Enemies of the Imperium: This regiment cannot turn to the Departmento Munitorum for supplies. To represent the added difficulties of scrounging, stealing, or obtaining supplies through whatever treacherous organisation to which the regiment now belongs, the regiment begins with a Logistics Rating of 0 and suffers a –10 penalty to Logistics Tests. The GM may, at his discretion, modify this value to represent the resources of any group to which the regiment has sworn allegiance. In addition, characters from this regiment cannot purchase the Munitorum Influence Talent, although the GM may, at his discretion, make a functionally equivalent Talent available in its place (such as Severan Dominate Influence).

Infiltrators - Special: Infiltrators are extremely adept at slipping past the enemy, and use every distraction and dirty trick in the book to this end. When two or more characters from a Squad with this Doctrine are called upon to make a Stealth Test, one of the characters making the Test may choose to make his Test at a –10 penalty. If he succeeds, one other character making the Test may use the first character’s Agility Characteristic for the Test instead of his own. The characters must be within 10 metres of one another to use this ability.



The regiment’s commander is balanced in his attitudes and careful in his decision-making, yet often overly cautious. His demeanour encourages his men to similarly consider situations before they strike, observing the battlefield before acting.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Foresight

Lt. Faehrmann


Favoured Basic Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Favoured Heavy Weapon: Mortar


One Uniform, One set of Poor Weather Gear, One Sniper Rifle (Main Weapon), Four magazines, One Knife, Imperial Guard Flak Armour, One Rucksack or Sling Bag, One set of Basic Tools, One Mess, One Water Canteen, One Blanket, One Sleep Bag, One Rechargeable Lamp Pack, One Grooming Kit, One set of Cognomen Tags or equivalent identification, One Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook, Combat Sustenance Rations, two weeks’ supply, One Taurus Commando rapid assault vehicle per squad. 1 Magnoculars, 1 telescopic sight per Player Character, 1 chameleoline cloak per Player Character, 1 handheld targeter per Player Character, and 2 pict recorders per Squad.

Improve a single item of standard kit wargear from Common Craftsmanship to Best Craftsmanship (Sniper Rifle)

Sua Spontae

Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Grox-Hound Reconnaissance
Leader Title
Notable Members
It's Always Sunny in the DeathKorps (TTRPG) by Han

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