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Khorne Berzerker

A Khorne Berzerker must be a Chaos Space Marine.

Characteristic Bonus: The Berzerker gains +5 Weapon Skill and Strength, 15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Athletics +10, Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Choose One) or Survival, Forbidden Lore (Pirates) or (Daemonology), Intimidate, Intimidate +10 or Command, Parry +10.

Starting Talents: Ancient Warrior or Betrayer and Enemy (Inquisition), Berserk Charge, Cold Hearted, Disarm or Sure Strike, Flesh Render, Fearless, Frenzy, Furious Assault, Lightning Reflexes, Pity the Weak.

Starting Gear: Legion chainaxe or Legion chainsword, bolt pistol or second Legion chainaxe, 2 Legion frag grenades, 2 Legion krak grenades.

Wounds: 16+1d5

Special Abilities

Avatars of Slaughter: Such is a Khorne Berzerker’s legendary ferocity that the mere sight of one of these fearsome warriors on the battlefield is enough to unnerve many opponents. Once per combat, after taking a Full Action Move Action, the Berzerker may spend an Infamy Point to force any opponents with a line of sight to the character to make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test. If they fail, they suffer a –20 penalty to target the Berzerker on their next turn. This penalty stacks with any other penalties and modifiers.

Unstoppable Wrath: The depth of rage of these warriors is terrible to behold, even before the psychosurgeries that many gain, and often leads them to feats rarely equalled in battle. During combat, a Berzerker may spend an Infamy Point to either make an Opposed Strength Test to ignore a successful Parry made against one of his attacks or make a single Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to ignore the effects of Injury, Stunning, Fatigue, or even Death for a single Round. This Trait may only be used to ignore a Critical Result of Death once per combat encounter.

Khorne Berzerkers begin play allied to Khorne and permanently lose the above special abilities along with 8 points from each Characteristic if they change that alignment
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Generic article | Jun 10, 2024
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