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Master of Ordinance

Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Agility, Fellowship, Intelligence, Leadership, Offence, Perception

New Talents: Either Air of Authority and Combat Sense or Calculated Barrage.

Specialist Equipment: Good Craftsmanship mortar with 6 frag rounds, deadspace earpiece, hand-held targeter.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Master of Ordnance can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Mortar Strike

Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 300 xp
Effect: The Master of Ordinance’s Comrade often waits just out of sight, bringing down deadly volleys of indirect fire at the locations he specifies. So long as his Comrade is equipped with a weapon with the Indirect Quality, the Master of Ordinance may have him fire this weapon. The Master of Ordinance makes a Challenging (+0) Command Test in place of a Ballistic Skill Test for the attack. The Master of Ordinance’s Comrade must be out of Cohesion to enact this Order. The Master of Ordinance cannot undertake any Actions with the Attack Subtype during any Turn in which he uses this Order.

Artillery Signal

Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 600 xp
Effect: The Master of Ordinance can attempt to access ranged support fire from local artillery or even from mighty vessels in orbit, ordering his Comrade to fire a specific flare from his mortar to signal a strike. Once per encounter, so long as his Comrade is equipped with a weapon with the Indirect Quality and the Squad is in a place where an ordinance barrage is possible, the Master of Ordinance may have him fire one of these flares. The Master of Ordinance makes a Challenging (+0) Command Test in place of a Ballistic Skill Test for the attack. 1d5+5 Rounds later, minus one Round per Degree of Success he scored on the Command Test (to a minimum of 1 Round), an artillery strike with the following profile lands on the flare: 3d10+10 X; Pen 16; Blast (2d10+5), Concussive (3). The Master of Ordinance’s Comrade must be out of Cohesion to enact this Order. The Master of Ordinance cannot undertake any Actions with the Attack Subtype during any Turn in which he uses this Order.

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Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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