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Medella Ventus

Chief Medical officer aboard the Pin of Light.
My instructor at the Black Ships told me to use this datapad to gather my thoughts and note down my past and life so far, so not to loose myself to the voices. Since they're getting louder, I'll take this rare moment of quiet to do just as he said, much as I loathe it.

Before awakening as a Psyker merely a few months prior, I was a lieutenant medical officer serving under the Velka II Bootstrapper Regiment of the Imperial Guard. A skilled medical officer at that, might I add. Always had a knack for treating injuries and reading others, even as a child. Gave me an advantage in the field, where every second counts. Thus, my rank. Or so I thought. Regardless, it wasn't a particularly unusual day. I was tending to the wounded as usual, my tools as firm in my hands as always, when suddenly a man sporting metallic veins for hair and wearing strange purplish robes enters the medical bay and informs me that I am a Psyker. Nonsense I thought, and I told him as much too! But the more he spoke, the less I could deny his claims. My propensity to know the thoughts of others, my ability to relieve fatigue with little more than a touch. I had chalked it up to my skill, but when he pointed out that I had never once lost my grip on a single tool even in the heat of battle, even when by all rights my fingers should have given out, I began to understand his point. It wasn't as if there was much I could do anyway, seeing as my designation of Psyker had already been decided upon. I still held unto hope back then, that this would all turn out to be some kind of mistake. It was not.

Shortly thereafter, I was brought unto the Black Ships, the extraterrestrial headquarters of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. I barely had a moment to catch my bearings before I was subjected to all manner of tests, all of which involved excruciating pain of the mind and body. All necessary, I am told. And too my horror, I believe they were right. With each test, I came to realize that what I had previously thought to be natural talent were in-fact latent psychic ability; now allowed to grow and prosper. Suddenly, the surety of grip I had been so proud of extended beyond my reach and the feeling I had always had of knowing the thoughts of others became far more than a simple feeling. I know understand why the men would say snide remarks of hearing my voice in their heads. Perhaps it had been more. But worst of all, I developed a particular talent for Biomancy, the psychic discipline of altering the body. All along, I had been just a vessel, my vaunted skill at medicine being little more than an expression of that terrible, terrible place my instructor calls the warp. The origin of the voices, the stray thoughts that have followed me all my life. I could almost laugh, if it wasn't so tragic. Here I thought myself skilled, and then it turns out I am a foul witch! Well, I refuse to accept it! With new understanding, I refuse to rely on these powers any longer. If I am not deserving of the title I once held, then I'll become deserving. And I'll do it all while serving the imperium as whatever the Emperor wills me to be, be it psyker, soldier, or both!

Speaking of which, it would seem a station has finally been chosen for me. I am to join the Imperial Navy and serve aboard the Pin of Light as a Astropath's apprentice. I am not too sure about designation, but I believe the Pin is a cruiser of some sort? I hope that my request to be given secondary status as medical officer on the ship is approved, otherwise I fear my time there will be dreadfully boring. Nothing to it but to wait and see, I suppose.

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Inquisitorium Parallax (TTRPG) by Pastafari

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