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Night Lords Marine

A member of the Night Lords Legion must be a Chaos Space Marine.

Characteristic Bonus: The Night Lord gains +5 Strength and Willpower , 15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness +10, Commerce or Survival, Common Lore (War and one other), Deceive, Dodge +10 or Parry +10, Forbidden Lore (Heresy) or (Pirates), Intimidate, Intimidate +10 or Scrutiny, Operate (Aeronautica), Security or Stealth, Tech-Use.

Traits: Dark Sight.

Starting Talents: Ancient Warrior, Cold Hearted, Counter-Attack or Furious Assault or Two-Weapon Wielder, Jaded, Lightning Reflexes, Paranoia, Raptor or Takedown, Sure Strike or Deadeye Shot.

Starting Gear: Legion chainsword or Legion power sword, 2 Legion frag grenades, 2 Legion krak grenades or 2 demolition charges or one melta-bomb.

Wounds: 15+1d5

Special Abilities

Spectral Haunter: The Night Lords are renowned for their ability to utilise the cover of darkness and other adverse conditions to harass their prey. Penalties for attacking a Night Lords Chaos Space Marine and bonuses to any Stealth Checks that Combat Circumstances grant based on visual hindrances are increased by 20.

Terror Tactics: Night Lords Chaos Space Marines are among the most dreaded enemies of the Imperium of Man. They specialise in terrifying their foes with horrendous displays of carnage and psychological warfare that drives even the most hardened fighters into paroxysms of fear. A Night Lord may spend Infamy Points to grant himself and his allies the Fear Trait (to a maximum of 4) for the remainder of a session. Each rank in Fear awarded requires the expenditure of two Infamy Points, then two days of preparation and a successful Hard (–20) Intimidate Test. The GM may modify the difficulty based on the Night Lord’s actions and also require additional Skill Checks depending on the situation.

Night Lords Chaos Space Marines begin play as Unaligned.
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