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Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix

A Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix must be Human. Characteristic Bonus: A Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix gains +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +5 Fellowship, 15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness, Awareness +10, Charm or Intimidate, Command, Command +10, Commerce, Common Lore (The Ragged Helix), Deceive, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Pirates) or (The Warp), Logic or Scrutiny or Sleight of Hand, Navigate (Stellar), Operate (Voidship), Parry, Security or Tech Use, Dodge +10 or Parry +10 or Operate (Voidship) +10.

Starting Talents: Air of Authority or Sure Strike or Deadeye Shot, Ambidextrous or Hip Shooting or Swift Attack, Betrayer, Cold Hearted, Counter Attack or Hotshot Pilot or Two-Weapon Wielder, Double Team or Disarm, Enemy (Imperial Navy), Excessive Wealth, Jaded, Lightning Reflexes or Light Sleeper, Nerves of Steel or Iron Discipline, Quick Draw or Rapid Reload, Paranoia or Rapid Reaction, Weapon Training (Chain, Power, Las, Primary, SP), Weapon Training (Bolt) or (Shock).

Starting Gear: Best Craftsmanship Bolt pistol or Good Craftsmanship plasma pistol, Best Craftsmanship power weapon or neural whip, Best Quality Light carapace or xenos hides, Good Quality alcohol, obscura, Good Craftsmanship cartograph.

Wounds: 10 +1d5.

Special Abilities

Maniacal Narcissist: Pirate Princes are extremely proud and willing to sacrifice everything in their pursuits. Upon character creation, the Heretic must choose Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, or Operate (any one) as his speciality. After spending an Infamy Point to gain a +10 bonus on a Test that involves this speciality, but before any additional dice are rolled, he gains an additional +10 on the Test. However, if he fails the Test, he must pass a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or attempt the Test again (if able). If unable to successfully complete the failed Test, the humiliated Pirate Prince suffers a –10 Willpower penalty until he is able to successfully complete that task (or the end of the session).

Creatures of Comfort: Pirate Princes thrive in lavish and opulent comfort, and few can endure being separated from this lifestyle for long. Pirate Princes gain one additional Degree of Success when attempting to acquire goods or services of Good Craftsmanship or better but suffer a –10 Penalty to any Tests made using Poor Craftsmanship goods or services. Also, a Pirate Prince may use his own Voidship instead of acquiring the services of a transport, and receives a +10 Bonus to all Operate (Voidship) Tests while on his ship’s bridge. The capabilities of this vessel are reserved for the GM’s discretion; however, GMs should always remember that the vessel is the property of a formidable raider.

Pirate Princes of the Ragged Helix begin play aligned to Slaanesh.
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