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Q'Sal Magister Immaterial

Magister Immaterials of Q’Sal must be human.

Characteristic Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +5 Willpower, and + 5 Fellowship, +15 Corruption, +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Awareness, Charm (+10) or Charm and Deceive or Deceive (+10), Common Lore (Q’Sal), Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Psykers), Inquiry, Logic, Psyniscience, Scholastic Lore (Occult) or (Legend), Scrutiny, Awareness (+10) or Psyniscience (+10) or Logic (+10). Pick One City of Q’Sal for the homeland’s Skills:

Surgub: Linguistics (Chaos Marks), Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) or (Occult) or (Heresy), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology), Forbidden Lore (Warp) or (Daemonology) (+10) or (Psykers) (+10).

Velklir: Scholastic Lore (Numerology) or (Astromancy), Navigate (Stellar) or (Warp), Forbidden Lore (Warp), Forbidden Lore (Pirates) or (Warp) (+10) or (Psykers) (+10).

Tarnor: Linguistics (Tarnorian Sign Language), Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) or (Chemistry) or Tech- Use, Forbidden Lore (Archeotech), Forbidden Lore (Xenos) or (Archeotech) (+10) or (Psykers) (+10).

Starting Traits: Chaos Psyker, Magus Supremus.

Starting Talents: Psy Rating (x4), (Up to 500 xp worth of Psychic Powers chosen from the Unaligned, Divination, Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy, or Telekinesis Disciplines, as well as 300 xp chosen from any of the above or the Tzeentch Powers), Jaded, Paranoia or Foresight, Strong Minded, Weapon Training (Primary), Weapon Training (Exotic) (Q’Sal), Weapon Training (Las) or (SP) or (Shock), Warp Sense or Child of the Warp.

Starting Gear: Good Craftsmanship Laspistol or Autopistol or Common Quality Q’Sal Crystal Caster, Good Craftsmanship Q’Sal Glass Dagger or a Common Craftsmanship Force Staff, Grimoire containing acquired lore, Mesh Combat Cloak.

Wounds: 8+1d5

Special Abilities

Chaos Psyker: The Heretic is a rogue psyker and begins play with the Psyker Trait (listed above), a Psy Rating of 4, and 1d5 Corruption Points. In addition, when determining his Psychic Strength (see page 206 of the Black Crusade Core Rulebook) he counts as Unbound.

Magus Supremus: The Magister Immaterials of Q’Sal are renowned for their control over the fickle powers of the warp. Rolls on the Psychic Phenomena table do not affect the Magister Immaterial, although those around him may still be affected, unless the roll causes Perils of the Warp. The Magister Immaterial may also spend an Infamy point to either reroll the result on the Psychic Phenomena Table, accepting the new result as final, or decide who (allies, NPCs, and/or enemies) are affected by the result. The Magister Immaterial must be able to see an individual to affect them in this manner.

Magister Immaterials begin play aligned to Tzeentch.
Black Crusade - Archetype
Generic article | Jun 10, 2024
Black Crusade - Tome of Fate

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