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Sanctioned Psyker

Never truly accepted in their regiment, Psykers are sanctioned by the sight of the Emperor but will always be looked upon with suspicion; always a step away from damnation.

Starting Aptitudes, Talents, and Modifiers

Characteristic Bonus: +5 Willpower.

Starting Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Psyker, Strength, Willpower.

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica), Forbidden Lore (Psykers), Psyniscience, Scholastic Lore (Cryptology).

Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing), Up to 400 xp worth of Psychic Powers (see Chapter VII: Psychic Powers), Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile, Low-Tech).

Starting Traits: Psyker.

Specialist Equipment: Data-slate, psy focus, Best Craftsmanship staff.

Wounds: 8+1d5

Special Ability: Sanctioned Psyker

The character has undergone the Rite of Sanctioning, and wields the powers of the Warp. He begins play with the Psy Rating Trait, a Psy Rating of 2, and 1d5 Corruption Points. Additionally, the Sanctioned Psyker has access to an additional Advance, listed below:

Psy Rating

Cost: 200 xp x PR†
The character is a psyker. In game terms, his power is rated on a scale of 1 to 10, where Psy Rating 1 is the lowest necessary to tap into the Warp, and a Rating of 10 represents one of the most powerful beings in existence. See Chapter VII: Psychic Powers for detailed rules on the game mechanics of this ability. Increasing a character’s Psy Rating represents that character unlocking more of his psychic potential, and becoming more and more powerful. A character may take this Advance multiple times. Each time this Advance is taken, the character’s Psy Rating increases by 1, to a maximum of 10. An increase in Psy Rating in ONLY WAR does not give additional Psychic Powers.

† The farther along a Psyker progresses, the harder it becomes for him to strain his limits and grow in power. Each time the Psyker purchases the Psy Rating advance, the xp cost is equal to 200xp multiplied by the Psy Rating he is advancing to. So, if a Sanctioned Psyker with a Psy Rating of 2 wishes to purchase the Psy Rating Advance and increase his Psy Rating to 3, he must pay 3 x 200xp, a total of 600 Experience Points.

Comrade Advances

These are Advances that may be purchased by the Sanctioned Psyker to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Ultimate Sanction

Type: Passive
Cost: 250 xp
Effect: The Psyker’s Comrade carefully watches him for any signs that he might be losing control of his powers, ready to step in with any means necessary. As long as his Comrade is in Cohesion, the Sanctioned Psyker may take 1d5 Wounds, ignoring Armour and Toughness, to re-roll any result on Table 7–2: Psychic Phenomena (see page 227).


Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 300 xp
Effect: The Sanctioned Psyker’s Comrade keeps him in check, but he also keeps him protected. If given this Command, the Comrade steps forward, protecting the Sanctioned Psyker from any incoming attacks. For the next Round, as long as the Comrade is in Cohesion, he is struck with any attacks that would have normally hit the Psyker. However, if the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test on the Attack result was a double, the Attack hits the Psyker, and is resolved as a normal hit.

Character Classes
Generic article | Oct 10, 2023

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