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Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft, Strength, Perception, Offence, Weapon Skill.

New Talents: Either Sure Strike and Quick Draw or Ambush.

Specialist Equipment: 4 smoke grenades, cameleoline cloak, magnoculars, Best Craftsmanship mono knife.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Scout can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Terrain Expert

Type: Passive
Cost: 300 xp
Effect: As long as the Scout’s Comrade is within Cohesion, the Scout gains a +10 bonus to Stealth and Survival Tests and imposes an additional –20 penalty on anyone attempting to use the Tracking Special Use of the Survival Skill to follow him.

Silent Ambush

Type: Order (Half Action)
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: Striking together, the Scout and his Comrade can quickly eliminate almost any lone infantry target without rustling a single leaf or letting a single scream slip out. As long as the Scout’s Comrade is within Cohesion, the next time the Scout makes a Melee Attack against an Unaware target, the attack inflicts an additional 1d10 Damage and gains the Concussive (2) Quality.

Other Associated professions
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Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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