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Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse, Intelligence, Perception, Offence, Toughness

New Talents: Either Combat Sense and Weapon Training (Heavy) or Vigilant.

Specialist Equipment: Best Craftsmanship autogun, Best Craftsmanship heavy stubber or Good Craftsmanship heavy bolter or Common Craftsmanship M41 multi-laser.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Sentry can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Unblinking Watcher

Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: As long as the Sentry’s Comrade is within Cohesion, the Sentry’s Overwatch and Suppressing Fire Actions cover a 90-degree arc to front of the him, instead of the usual 45-degree arc (see Overwatch on page 247 and Suppressing Fire on page 248 of the Only War Core Rulebook).

Hammering Storm

Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 500 xp
Effect: Coordinating their shots to tear away at a specific piece of armour or cover, the Sentry and his Comrade can hew through even mighty defences through raw and unadulterated volume of fire. On his next Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst Action before the end of his next Turn, each consecutive hit after the first hit that the Sentry inflicts with his weapon gains 1 additional Penetration (to a maximum of +5 Penetration for the sixth hit and any hits thereafter). The Sentry can only give this Order so long as his Comrade is within Cohesion.

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Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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