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Trusted leaders and instructors, Sergeants lead the squad in the field with powerful rhetoric.

Starting Aptitudes, Talents, and Modifiers

Characteristic Bonus: +5 Fellowship.

Starting Aptitudes: Defence, Fellowship, Leadership, Perception, Strength, Toughness, Weapon Skill.

Starting Skills: Command, Navigate (Surface) or Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis).

Starting Talents: Air of Authority or Iron Discipline, Weapon Training (Chain, Las or Solid Projectile, Low-Tech).

Specialist Equipment: Common Craftsmanship las pistol, Common Craftsmanship chainsword.

Wounds: 10+1d5

Comrade Advances

Although he is still paired with a Comrade like the other members of his squad, the Sergeant’s time is dedicated to directing all of the men under his command. The Sergeant may purchase Sweeping Orders, which affect all Comrades in communication range of the Sergeant. However, the Sergeant can only issue a single Sweeping Order per Turn.


Type: Passive
Cost: 250 xp
Effect: The Sergeant is accompanied by a Vox-Tech who can relay orders out to his men over the din of battle. As long as his Comrade is in Cohesion with him, all of the Sergeant’s orders affect all Comrades within vox range.

Covering Fire

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 200 xp
Effect: All Comrades in communications range fire wildly at the enemy, keeping them pinned down and protecting their fellows from retaliation. For the next Round, all Player Characters with their Comrade in Cohesion gain a +10 to all Dodge Tests.

Get Them!

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 200 xp
Effect: As part of this order, the Sergeant must make a Challenging (+0) Command Test. If he succeeds, all Comrades in communications range become inspired by the Sergeant’s fervour, charging into battle with a renewed zeal. For the next Round, when performing the Ranged Volley or Close Quarters Orders, the Comrades grant their controlling Player Character an additional +4 Damage to the affected Melee or Ranged Attack.

Snap Out Of It!

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 200 xp
Effect: As part of this order, the Sergeant must make a Challenging (+0) Intimidate or Command Test. If he succeeds, all Comrades in communication range end any ongoing Fear or Pinning effects. They may act normally in subsequent Turns.

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Generic article | Oct 10, 2023

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