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Sgt. Creed

Sergeant Elam Creed

Physical Description

Special abilities

Dug Trench: While this operative is wholly within your drop zone, each time an enemy operative makes a shooting attack, if it is more than (2”) from this operative, this operative is treated as being in Cover provided by Light terrain. This operative loses this ability if it performs a Normal Move, Charge, Fall Back or Dash action.

Battle Honour: Dodge. Each time this operative performs a Normal Move or Dash action, it can move within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, but cannot finish that move within Engagement Range of them. Each time this operative performs a Charge action, so long as it finishes that move within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, it can move within Engagement Range of any enemy operatives during that move.

Battle Honour: Gun Ace. Each time this operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.

Battle Honour: Picket. During the Set Up Operatives step of the mission sequence, this operative can be set up within (3”) of your drop zone.

Specialized Equipment

L8 - Veteran
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