Survival Suit
When working in harsh and extreme conditions (especially when it is not known in advance what they will be), survival suits are a must. No matter if it is too hot or too cold, the suit can maintain proper body temperature and hydration via excellent insulation capabilities. Using the differential between body temperature and outside temperature to drive thermoelectric power cells, it also has reclamation systems for turning sweat into drinking water. Most suits come complete with a hood, as well as goggles to protect the head and face. While it does not protect forever, for medium duration emergencies it can help sustain life until a rescue.
The suit grants a +20 bonus to any Tests against the effects of extreme environments. Good and Best Craftsmanship suits grant a +25 and +30 bonus, respectively, while Poor outfits only last three days before their internal mechanisms falter and need removal from the extreme temperatures to recharge.
The suit grants a +20 bonus to any Tests against the effects of extreme environments. Good and Best Craftsmanship suits grant a +25 and +30 bonus, respectively, while Poor outfits only last three days before their internal mechanisms falter and need removal from the extreme temperatures to recharge.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Owning Organization
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