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Tank Ace

Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Agility, Fellowship, Leadership, Perception, Tech, Willpower

New Talents: Either Lightning Reflexes and Technical Knock or Push the Limit.

Specialist Equipment: Auspex/scanner, combi-tool, data-slate, Good Craftsmanship laspistol.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Tank Ace can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Crack Manoeuvring

Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Tank Ace and his Comrade work together with the smooth ease of practice, one calling out incoming threats as the other moves to avoid them. As long as both the Tank Ace and his Comrade are in the same multi-passenger vehicle, the vehicle’s operator (who can be the Tank Ace) can make a Hard (–20) Operate Test in response to any incoming fire as a Free Action. If he succeeds, the incoming fire strikes the armour facing of the operator’s choice instead of the armour facing it would originally have hit.

Line Up the Shot

Type: Order (Half Action)
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Tank Ace and his Comrade bark updates back and forth, giving the driver key information to help him bring the vehicle into the perfect position for a gutting salvo against a single target. The Tank Ace chooses a single target, and as a Free Action, the driver (who can be the Tank Ace) makes a Challenging (+0) Operate Test. If the vehicle has undertaken any Movement Action other than Tactical Manoeuvring during this Round, this Test is Very Hard (–30) instead. If the driver succeeds on his Test, the vehicle’s weapons gain a +2 bonus to their Penetration for every Degree of Success the driver scored on his Operate Test when firing on the chosen target. This bonus persists until either vehicle moves. Both the Tank Ace and his Comrade must be within the vehicle to enact this Order.

Famous in the Field
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Used By
Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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