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Veteran of the Long War

A Veteran of the Long War must be a Chaos Space Marine.

Characteristic Bonus: +5 Willpower, +5 Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, +15 Corruption Points, and +10 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Awareness +10, Charm or Deceive or Intimidation +10, Common Lore (Any One), Dodge +10 or Parry +10, Forbidden Lore (The Inquisition) or (Codex Astartes) or (Mutants) or (Heresy), Forbidden Lore (Warp) or (Psykers) or (Daemonology) or (Pirates), Intimidation, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Survival or Command.

Starting Talents: Air of Authority or Disturbing Voice, Ancient Warrior, Enemy (Adeptus Astartes), Hatred (Adeptus Astartes, Imperial Guard), Jaded, Peer (Traitor Legions, Warlords), Rapid Reload or Lightning Reflexes, Unshakeable Will.

Starting Gear: Legion Bolt Pistol with 2 Magazines, 1 Legion Frag Grenade, 1 Legion Krak Grenade, Trophy Rack.

Wounds: 15+1d5.

Special Abilities:

The Eternal Enemy: Veterans of the Long War represent the greatest of the Imperium’s fears, waging war on the very foundations of Imperial faith using skills and tactics garnered from innumerable battles spanning countless worlds. A Veteran of the Long War selects his Starting Alignment at Character Creation. He then acquires any one Special Ability and a single piece of equipment from any other Chaos Space Marine Archetype with a starting Alignment that matches his own in addition to the Special Abilities listed here.

Abhorrence Unchained: Every Veteran of the Long War harbours an undying hatred of the Imperium that fuels his murderous rampages while sowing the seeds of his inevitable damnation. Across the battlefield of ages he strides, a blood-soaked nightmare whose steps are thunder and whose battle-roar is death. Whenever a Veteran of the Long War slays a foe for whom he has the associated Hatred Talent, he may make an Ordinary (+10) Infamy Test. If he succeeds, he gains the Fear (2) Trait against that type of foe and his attacks inflict +1 Damage (to a maximum of +10) against enemies of that type until the end of the encounter.

Veterans of the Long War begin play Aligned to the Chaos God of their choice or Unaligned.
Black Crusade - Archetype
Generic article | Jun 10, 2024
Black Crusade - Tome of Decay

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