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A Warpsmith must be a Chaos Space Marine.

Characteristic Bonus: Warpsmiths gain +5 Intelligence, +5 Toughness, +15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Command or Trade (Armourer), Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus, Tech), Deception or Scrutiny, Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) or (The Warp), Linguistics (Techna-Lingua), Medicae, Scholastic Lore (Occult), Tech-Use, Security or Tech-Use +10.

Starting Traits: Mechanicus Implants.

Starting Talents: Ancient Warrior or Orthoproxy, Cold Hearted or Resistance (Fear), Disturbing Voice or Sound Constitution, Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus), Mechadendrite Use, Meditation or Total Recall, Rapid Reload or Combat Sense, Technical Knock, Unshakeable Will.

Starting Gear: 1 Mechadendrite or Dendrite Blade, 1 Mechatendril, 2 Good Craftsmanship Cybernetics, Fallen Magos Power Axe, Luminen Capacitors or Ferric Lure Implants, Dataslate.

Wounds: 15+1d5.

Special Abilities:

Binaric Curse: With a few muttered words of technoarcane power, a Warpsmith can place a malediction upon a weapon, making it recoil against its wielder. As a Half Action, a Warpsmith may spend an Infamy Point to curse one weapon or other contraption of roughly equal complexity within 10 metres. If it is a weapon, it gains the Overheats or Unbalanced Weapon Quality until the end of the encounter. If it is another piece of technology, it falters or fails in some way (as determined by the GM).

Cybernetic Dominion: A Warpsmith rules over his cybernetic thralls with an iron fist, and their loyalty to him is stronger than the curse-wrought steel that girds them. A Warpsmith’s Minions that possess the Machine Trait gain +10 Loyalty.

Master of Mechamorphosis: Warpsmiths are masters of the profane rites of forging unique and terrifying Daemon Engines to suit their own insane ends. Once an appropriate shell for a Daemon Engine is obtained, a Warpsmith can fashion the vehicle into a more suitable form to house a creature of the Warp, thereby granting a +10 Sympathy Modifier during the Ritual of Binding. The time required to forge this construct is subject to the Warpsmith’s designs and the resources available, and additional Skill Tests might be required as the GM sees fit. Further, a Warpsmith can spend an Infamy Point to commune with a captive Machine Spirit when attempting to channel the Daemon into its new form, granting an additional +20 Bonus to the Binding Ritual.

Warpsmiths begin play Unaligned.
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Generic article | Jun 10, 2024
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