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Xenos 202

Primitive Traits: Resilient

Physiology: Armoured (1)

Armoured: Tough, resilient protection encases creatures with this Trait. Whether this armour is simply a rough hide, a layer of bark, scales, bony plates, or even the result of subdermal metal deposits, the effect is the same. The creature gains the Natural Armour (1d5) Trait, or, if it already possesses Natural Armour, increases that value by 2 (to a maximum of 8 Armour). Multiple instances of this Trait add Armour as described above.

Method of Communication: Intuitive Communicators: The xenos race possesses the ability to understand and communicate with the Explorers without prior contact, whether through low-level telepathy, an uncanny ability to intuit body language, or other unusual means. Interaction Skills suffer no penalty, unless the Explorers take issue with this clearly unnatural power.

Social Structure: Agriculturalist: The xenos have based their lifestyle around farming crops and herding local fauna. Such societies tend to be stable, if not outright peaceful. While many primitive xenos cultures have the tools to farm, this represents a culture where the herd or crop is the central cultural value. In some xenos cultures, the herd may even be a related species, or degenerate members of their own race.

Geographic Distribution

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