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Xenos 203

Primitive Traits: Stealthy

Stealthy: A natural ambusher or lurker, this creature may have chameleonic skin or another form of natural camouflage. This Trait grants training in the Concealment, Shadowing, and Silent Move Skills, as well as a +20 bonus to relevant Tests. A second instance of this Trait increases the bonus to +30, and allows failed Tests to be re-rolled. On flora, this Trait allows the plant to keep its original Agility value for purposes of Concealment Tests. Further instances have no effect.

Morphology: Quadruped

Physiology: Darkling

Darkling: These are creatures native to lightless worlds or environs far from illumination by a sun. They are universally blind in terms of conventional sight (and thus have the Blind Trait), but gain acute Unnatural Senses, with a range of 30 metres or more. Darkling Creatures have a 50% chance of gaining the Sonar Sense Trait instead of Unnatural Senses. All receive the Awareness and Silent Move Skills, with species native to caverns or other subterranean environments also gaining the Climb and Swim Skills. Some Darkling creatures are hideous to gaze upon, granting 10% of species with this Trait a Fear Rating of 1. Multiple instances of this Trait have no effect.

Method of Communication: Previous Contact: Certain members of the xenos culture have adequate fluency in Low Gothic to allow use of Interaction Skills without penalties. The question of where they learned the language is likely to be an issue—the only Imperial contact such beings are likely to have had would be a rival Rogue Trader dynasty

Social Structure: Raiders: While some section of the xenos culture is devoted to the production or acquisition of food and other necessities, true status in this society belongs to the warriors. Crops grown are valued less than those seized from others, and only strength is respected. A Rogue Trader can easily impress such aliens with his military might, but must be careful not to let himself seem too dependent on his tools or servants.

Geographic Distribution

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