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Xurunt Frost Father

A Xurunt Frost Father must be a Human.

Characteristic Bonus: The Xurunt Frost Father gains +5 Strength, +5 Weapon Skill, +3 Willpower, +3 Fellowship, 15 Corruption Points, and +9 Infamy.

Starting Skills: Athletics, Athletics +10 or Acrobatics, Awareness, Awareness +10 or Intimidate +10, Command, Command +10, Common Lore (Xurunt), Dodge, Dodge +10 or Parry +10, Intimidate, Linguistics (Xurish), Navigate (Surface), Parry, Scholastic Lore (Occult), Stealth, Survival, Survival +10.

Starting Talents: Air of Authority, Battle Rage or Swift Attack, Berserk Charge, Catfall or Combat Sense, Combat Master, Double Team or Disarm or Takedown, Frenzy, Furious Assault, Greater Minion of Chaos (must be a Xurunsh, see page 108), Sure Strike, Hardy or Nerves of Steel or Unshakeable Will, Jaded, Lightning Reflexes, Peer (Xur), Pity the Weak, Quick Draw, Resistance (Cold, Fear), Weapon Training (Primary, SP).

Starting Gear: Good Craftsmanship great weapon with the Mono upgrade or Best Craftsmanship axe or Best Craftsmanship sword with the Mono upgrade, Good Craftsmanship lance-goad, Good Craftsmanship bow and 30 arrows with the Mono Quality, Best Craftsmanship knife with the Mono Quality, beast fur armour, 1d5+3 trophy skulls.

Wounds: 11+1d5

Special Abilities

A Great Boast: On Xurunt, flamboyant displays of skill and bravery in the face of the enemy are viewed with the utmost respect and integral to a warrior’s standing within his tribe. Frost Fathers regularly use such displays to cement their place as leader and inspire their forces to victory. When a Frost Father succeeds on at least a Hard (–20) Test involving Strength or Agility, or a Willpower Check of at least Very Hard (–30) to resist Fear during combat, he gains +10 to all Command Tests for the duration of the combat phase. If he accomplishes this without spending an Infamy Point, the Frost Father gains an Infamy Point that expires at the end of the Encounter.

Visions of Death: Baphtar’s divine visions are both a blessing and a curse that gradually wears away the sanity of the afflicted. A Frost Father may spend an Infamy Point to go into Frenzy as a Free Action and in addition gain a +5 bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower.

However, every two days that pass without killing a worthy adversary requires passing a Routine (+20) Willpower Check to avoid a cumulative –5 penalty to Intelligence, Perception, and Fellowship until the Frost Father makes a suitable kill. A worthy adversary has a Weapon Skill equal to at least half the Frost Father’s, and each additional day beyond the first two increases the Willpower Check difficulty by one level.

A Xurunt Frost Father begins play allied to Khorne.
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