The Insurrection Military Formation in Xenoth | World Anvil
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The Insurrection

The Insurrection is a formalized group of individuals who disagree with the ruling and power of the UNSC. This group consists of many individuals who are angry with the UNSC for different reasons, some angry that they get paid so little for working in the mines, others who don't want governments over watching or "regulating" them.



The insurrecion has a total of around 2000 people, most of them located in Installation Zero but spread out through most settlements.


The insurrection steals and used most of the same equipment as the UNSC, including vehicles and weapons. Non military equipment is bought or stolen from cities and merchants.


All weapons the UNSC uses, although expensive weapons like sniper rifles and rocket launchers are much more rare in the insurrection.


The Insurrection most commonly uses warthog variations and some mongooses, with the occasional extremely rare stolen scorpion tank.


The insurrection has a main leader in Installation Zero who directs the group, but smaller leaders pop up at most towns/cities that the insurrection has members at.


Ambushes and surrounding enemies


Very little training is done except for more elite groups. Most insurrectionists aren't heavily trained, but most learn to be proficient with guns.


Logistical Support

The group receives support from mayors whom they intimidate as well as secret monetary support from Planetcrack.


"Recruiting" happens whenever members approach people who dislike the UNSC and ask them to join. They also lie to people with propaganda and such to make the UNSC sound bad so more people would be likely to join.
10/3/2547 (On Xenoth)
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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