Unggoy Species in Xenoth | World Anvil
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Unggoy (Un-Goy)

Unggoy are a small bipedal species of the Covenant. Commonly known as Grunts, they are the weakest members of the Covenant and are commonly used as cannon fodder in combat.    Unggoy must wear special gas masks and triangle shaped suits on their backs to help filter the air to what is breathable to them, making them very lightly armored and easy to fight in small numbers.

Basic Information


Bipedal with 4 limbs. Squat structure but similar structure as most humanoids.


Very coward-like and will flee for their survival.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Not very bright but understand language and basic tactics

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Same 5 senses as humans.
Scientific Name
Monachus frigus
Average Height
54-66 inches.
Average Weight
248-260 lbs
Average Physique
Squat like, not very strong.
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