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Asgorath, father of dragonkind

Legends say that this majestic dragon was the first dragon to ever grace the world of Xernos with it’s presence. No scholar, nor dragons really know when exactly the Father of Dragons actually arrived. However, everyone agrees that he must have arrived after Bolverk had created the foundation, Aos breathed life into it, and Akuma as well as Fulgora added nature and water. Somewhere in this process the draconic god appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Through his neutral stand towards the more human like deities, he was accepted and given the permission to spread his kind amongst the world. Upon his arrival Asgorath also carried four very large Dragon eggs with him. No one knows where these eggs come from, but scholars assume that they come from a female dragon deity that rules in a different plane of existence, perhaps even a different dimension.   While his children where in the process of hatching, Asgorath himself created his kind of Dragons, now known as the Gem Dragons. Making the Gemd Dragons the first and oldest kind of dragon to grace Xernos. Each Gem Dragon is different, represented by their colour, but they are mostly seen as the friendliest dragons in the world, but also the rarest. As a deity that has lived for so many millenniums it is not hard to see, why he has taken a step back to let his children and creations do most of the work. Nonetheless he remains as the most influential deity among the draconic deities. He is also the only one who can keep Tiamat in check, even though he rarely does so.   The Gem dragons are divided into five different kind of gems, each representing an aspect of Asgorath himself. Amethyst, Crystal, Sapphire, Topaz and Emerald are the five known kind of gem Dragons, which roam the world of Xernos. In essence they are very different to the other kinds of Dragons and they are also the ones who keep themselves out of the wars fought by the other dragons. They generally keep in the domain of Asgorath, which is called Lumindor. It is said that every mountain in this province is filled with gems from undisputable value, however, no one could yet proof this rumour, so everyone has to decide for themselves if it is true or not. Asgorath has very different portrayals, as hume scholars never actually got to interact with the draconic deity. However, some Maestars claim that he has a royal white as colour and his spine is littered with all kind of gems, which are supposed to be filled with raw magical power. His breath is supposed to be the most colourful, but also t he most powerful out of all of the deities.


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