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Garyx, the firelord

Back when he was hatching out of his shell, Garyx seemed to struggle with breaking the shell of the egg. Apparently he wasn’t strong enough, something that could happen. However, after a few days of fighting the male dragon managed to break through the egg as the last one from the four children of Asgorath. Even though it led to Tiamat teasing him for his weakness, this event showed what kind of personality Garyx would develop. He was a fighter. Someone who would not let anyone or anything put him down. At first it wasn’t that evident, as he would often ask his older, bigger brothers for help against his sister, who was constantly teasing him about his smaller size and weaker stature, to a point that some might even consider it bullying. Bahamut was usually the one who protected the young dragon, as Xezos was always somewhere else with his thoughts. Eventually, the pride male dragon told his younger brother to get the courage to stand up to his sister. She might be a terrifying individual, yet he was too. His dark scales, alongside his red, orange features made, as well as the slowly growing horns started to make him look rather terrifying as well. So one day, when Tiamat was teasing him again that his fire breath was so weak, Garyx mustered all of his courage and exhaled such a strong breath that it completely annihilated a mountain. The area where this supposed mountain was is now known as the border to the sand kingdom of Gara. Essentially, legends say that Garyx is responsible for the desert kingdom as we know it now, because he burned the land down in an attempt to prove his strength to his sister. It certainly worked, since Tiamat would never tease him about his weak breath again. In fact the two of them started to grow closer and closer ever since that moment, forming the strongest bond out of the dragon siblings. In fact, whenever Tiamat has an idea for a new weird or gruesome experiment, it is Garyx who supports her. He was the one who brought everything to create the first Dragonborns. Late he and his dragons brought new test subjects for the creation of the Dragontouched. He may not be the smartest or strongest of the draconic deities, but he is just as gruesome as Tiamat. In a way, it can be explained through Garyx always wanting the approval of his sister. She seemed like the goddess among deities, someone who could do anything she wanted. Create new races just by her will and exceeding the ability to create dragons. Burning whole civilizations to nothing more but a crisp, just because she felt like it. It certainly has a certain appeal, especially if one got mocked for being weak for his whole life. So Garyx developed into a heinous deity, just like Tiamat. Some say Tiamat is a sadist, while Garyx is simply cruel and they might be right with it. Where Tiamat likes to manipulate and destroy to gain an advantage, Garyx does it to fulfil his own simple pleasures.   Just like his siblings, Garyx was also granted the ability to create breeds of dragons. His dragons looked rather different though. He started to create dragons who weren’t as majestic as the gem dragons, or as friendly as metallic or as horrible as chromatic dragons, instead he created hunters, called Wyverns. Smaller dragons who can’t fly, now classified as drakes. He also created sea based quote on quote dragons, who are known as dragon turtles. All of these dragons behave very differently to each other. Something that is unique to Garyx’s creation, as the creation of his siblings always put themselves into their creations. Perhaps we can find Garyx in Wyverns, Drakes and other dragon like creature. All of them tend to be obedient if trained correctly, but wild and survival specialists in nature. Just like Garyx. He is obedient to his sister, but wild and unpredictable while she isn’t around. No one exactly knows why he created these different kind of dragons, yet a common theory is that he wanted to be different to his siblings yet again. Bahamut and Tiamat created these majestic dragons, but he created smaller ones, less dragon like dragons. Perhaps it was another attempt to gain the approval of his siblings, or simply an attempt to become his own and stop being in the shadow of his sister. Whatever the reasoning was, no one will know until they can ask the deity themself.   In his depiction Garyx is always shown as a massive black scaled Dragon, who has intimidating horns and bright red or orange glows around him which come from him preparing his devastating breath. It is rather interesting that his creations do not share his powerful breath and instead rarely have one, maybe he wanted to keep this kind of weapon to himself.


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