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Xezos, lord of mischief

Xezos is an interesting suspect from the dragon deities. He walks on two legs, grows hair like a human, as a stature from a human, but still has scales, horns and the tail a dragon possesses. He can even breath out all kinds of elements if he wishes to do so. What is the most curious though, is that he is also proficient in all kinds of magic, but mostly in the illusion school of magic. He preferred to travel the world, learn about the other races and play his little tricks on them. Some claim that Xezos actually has a proper dragon form, but refuses to use it as he prefers the much smaller, hume like form that he is known for. When it comes to his personality, he is also very different to his siblings. He does not concern himself with conquering lands or furthering his riches, or something else, instead he cherishes the time he has with his family. Xezos always loved when all five of the dragon family were around to spent time with each other, be it playing around as kids or discussing anything now as adults. His much calmer attitude gave the family a new, much needed, dynamic as he worked as a sort of counter to the drastic Tiamat. Well maybe that’s wrong to say. After all Xezos values his family quite highly and happily helps them in their endeavours. Whenever Tiamat is waging war, Xezos would help her wherever he could. On the other hand he would also help Bahamut when he is trying to exploit the next dwarven village for their gold, or help Garyx when he wanted to create a new kind of dragon. He very much is the biggest supporter of his siblings, while still keeping true to his own identity. Xezos is a trickster. He loves to prank his siblings and his father. Everyone really. His pranks can be harmless, but also be quite extreme. A legend says that he once hid Tiamats notes about the creation of Dragonborns in a dwarven village without a warning. Then when he helped a furious Tiamat to find them again, he watched as she burnt the village down as punishment for stealing from her. Did Xezos felt bad for the people? Perhaps. Yet as he did this multiple times, he might not be as wholesome as some claim he is. To not only shed negativity onto him though, he is the only dragon deity who shows genuine interest in the other races. He studied them extensively, didn’t tried to exploit them or burned their civilizations down. Instead he tried to understand them, learn their cultures and tried to form friendships with some. He did help humans, dwarves and more from time to time, yet he also played his little tricks with them. Therefore calling him a chaotic neutral person might be the best way to describe him. Maybe he is friendly the one time one meets him, but horrible the next time. There really is no clear way of determining it.   Since Xezos is very different in appearance to his siblings, hailing from his studies about the other races, he also created his draconic race very differently. In fact they aren’t even dragons. He did what Tiamat, in a way, tried to do the whole time. He created a race that was just like dragons, but had more human traits. Everyone knows them as Kobolds, little mischievous and annoying creatures, kind of like Xezos. They can not fly, nor do they have the ability to breath out fire, but they are more adventurous then their brothers and sisters. However, the most identifying feature of Xezos, his love for his family, can be found in the Kobolds as well. Kobolds always travel in packs. Little families who are very dangerous as a group, but weak by themselves. They now travel to every corner of the world, to do whatever they want. Kobolds and Dragons also have a rather complex relationship to each other. Kobolds believe that they are dragons themselves, after all they were created by a deity, but dragons think that Kobolds are nothing more then dragon pretenders who should serve as slaves. Since Kobolds usually see any dragon as their friend and family member, they tend to work for dragons most of the time, yet not as slaves. They fight in their wars, because that’s what a family does, but they are not running into a suicidal battle. The Dragonborns can do that. To Dragons Kobolds are not more then a Dragonborn though. For sure they have a slightly higher standing then a Dragonborn, as they do have a deity, but they do not deserve to be treated like a proper dragon. It can lead to some conflicts here and there, yet at the end the two races do work together more often then not.   In his depictions, Xezos always has red scales and a white scaled torso. The amount of hair sprinkled all over his body varies from artist to artist, some don’t even give him hair, some maybe over do it a bit. He also often wears clothes that can be found in the artists culture or jewellery or weaponry from that culture.


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