Dragoi Species in Xieon | World Anvil
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Many millennium before the rise of Czahten the Pebble was a vast ocean moon. Covering the majority of the moon was a singular algea mass while under the surface was teeming with aquatic life. The Pebble would be forever changed when a rouge comet collided with the parent planet of Xieon. While the majority of the comet became one with Xieon, the remaining chunk would take a shard from the Barrens along with it. Its trajectory would enter the Pebble's atmosphere as it was making it crossed its orbit and fall towards the center of the moon.     The landmasses that would crash into the ocean moon would rip the algea mass apart as they settled to the ocean bottom. The heat and pressure from the large masses would destroy many sections it hit. The shard of cast of sand from the barrens would harden in space and come crashing through the moon's aurora. A radiant eruption would deafen the world as the tip of the shard blew apart. A churning gate would appear in the iris. The Aurora itself would be splinter into a choatic vortex allowing an open gate into Xieon Wildspace. The Savage Soul and North Washington would go to work using their Forgehand duties and shaped the energies into 4 entities that would be deemed the Aurora's.The Gate would be closed only to activate when aligned with auroral energies and the 4 new beings would be tasked with protecting the moon as pseudo deities.     With new deities taking dominion comes challengers. 1500 years after the birth of the Aurora's, their first foe would enter through the Auroran Gate. Coined by Algean explorers, their travels into the gate resulted in a Draconic Demigod to tracking their essence back. The 4 Auroras went to battle with the Dragon, ultimately luring it to bite Ayun, the Ravenger. The tail of Ayun would be covered in algean mass and be layered on with the saliva of Harbinger, the Cold Death. This bite would be fatal to the Demi Dragon, and its corpse would fall into the ocean. The unborn children inside the fallen demigod would use the piece of the aurora as nourishment, ultimately eating their matron from the inside. The Dragoi would be born, all being born as 3 headed dragons of varying colors. Instanlty the 7 Dragoi would go to war with each other leaving the surface to itself and the Auroras victorious.       Ayun and Borealix would join in union, birthing the Gwuin race and its several variations. Ellesmere and Harbinger would become the patron deities of the newly arrived Squatch and Yeti refugees. It wasn't until the Gwuins made a deal with Harbinger that the world would begin to change. In order to protect the world from outside deitic threats, the first artificers would be given a gift. Having dominion over the ethereal in this world, Harbinger would manifest his hoard of souls creating a new glacial mass to erupt from the ocean floor. The Gwuin would mine and study this new Ethereal Turquoise learning how to harness it to capture energies. The first artificers of this world would also create weapons and armor from ingots forged from the dust that drew damage to other planar foes. A golden age lasted for a couple hundred years, Terriariums grew in popularity but were quickly outlawed. It wasn't until a Gwuin named Czahten learned of a loophole with the ethereal turquoise did the world change to what it now was.       The God Emperor Czahten convinced the 7 Dragoi to aid him in a war with the Auroras under the guise of revenge for their parent's demise. The Aurora's had the upper hand but until the Dragoi people appeared wielding ET armaments'. Using the weakened state of the Aurora's, Czahten built contructs from this ET to entrap each Aurora in its own likeness. Unbenounce to the Dragoi he also created his suit of armor to control these constructs. As he gains control of the final Aurora, the God Emperor releases a runic failsafe he built into all the Dragoi armorment causing them to explode while on them. The 7 Dragoi woud be infuriated and Czahten would now have a new Empire to build. No Deities have entered this world for the 1000 years Czathen has ruled.
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