Eden Verano Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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Eden Verano

Eden is the daughter of a Human wizard and a Kushling hempist. The pair met while in Gufondland while her father was teaching at the the Borealix Institute. Instead of leaving Mydakash after his initial tenure, he settled down in the villages.   1700 BE: Joined the crew of the X.A.N. Jaded Dragon for a few week tour, left the crew after the tragic death of Mallort Longpour. Began working for Deja Virginia Bowers at her orphanage in Gufondland.   1705 BE: Began teaching at the Borealix Institute, also joined The Verdant Order.   1713 BE: Granted rank of High Cleric to Borealix after the passing of St. Gufo.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1680 BE 38 Years old
Farming villages of Gufondland
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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