Green Skull Centurion Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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Green Skull Centurion

13th Forgehand of Xieon. Created by Ganzo after returning from a Spirit Realm with a shard filled with souls. A being of war and an honorable death, as well as the passion for battle. Was born on the moon that would come to be known as Mydakash but would leave its orbit as soon as he was capable. The Green Skull Centurion would come to also represent honorable anarchy and brotherhood as mortals would begin to populate Xieon.   The soulfire of the Centurion rests in sentry within the heart of the City of Glass. Valiant souls of mortals devoted to the ways of the Green Skull frequently animate the bodies of the People of Glass to do day to day managment of protecting Xieon from the Multiverse and itself.
Year of Birth
122213 GFE 123931 Years old
Aligned Organization


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