Guild of Fishers Organization in Xieon | World Anvil
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Guild of Fishers

The Guild of Fishers was founded in the early days of Bountyside civilization, when fishing was a crucial source of food and trade. Over the centuries, the Guild has played a major role in the Bountyside economy, as well as in the cultural and social life of the region. In more recent times, the Guild has also played a key role in the exploration and colonization of the Belt, establishing fishing outposts and trading posts on many of the islands. Today, the Guild is a respected and influential organization, known for its skill, tradition, and innovation in the field of fishing.


The Guild is led by a council of Fisher Masters, who are elected by the members of the Guild. The Fisher Masters are responsible for setting the policies and direction of the Guild, as well as for representing the interests of the Guild to the wider world. Beneath the Fisher Masters are the Journeyman Fishers, who are experienced fishers who have completed their apprenticeships and are working towards becoming masters themselves. The largest group within the Guild are the Apprentice Fishers, who are learning the trade and working under the guidance of a Journeyman or Master Fisher. The Guild also includes a number of support staff, such as clerks, healers, and craftsmen, who help to keep the organization running smoothly.


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