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Kael Copperbeard

Kael Copperbeard is a skilled Dwarf from a long line of renowned artisans and blacksmiths. Born and raised in the grand halls of the Stoneforge Clan, Kael was taught the ancient arts of metallurgy and craftsmanship from a young age. As a proud member of his clan, he honed his skills under the tutelage of his father, a master blacksmith, and his mother, a skilled jeweler.   However, Kael always had a spark of wanderlust in his heart. He yearned to see the world beyond the mountainous confines of his clan's homeland. Tales of The Belt of Xieon and its many islands, especially the legendary Mudrake Downs, piqued his curiosity. As the stories of adventures and hidden treasures reached his ears, Kael knew that he couldn't be confined to the forges forever.   With his family's blessings and a heavy but proud heart, Kael set forth on a journey that would take him far from his beloved clan. Boarding "The Wanderlust," he embraced the uncertain path, seeking new experiences, and hoping to carve a name for himself beyond the Stoneforge halls.   Arriving on Mudrake Downs, Kael found a diverse and welcoming community of settlers, each with their own dreams and aspirations. The chance to contribute his skills as a master blacksmith and jeweler to the budding island community was too tempting to pass up. He saw an opportunity to leave a lasting mark on this new frontier, not just through his craftsmanship but also through fostering camaraderie and unity among the settlers.   With his stout Dwarven frame and good-natured demeanor, Kael quickly made friends among the settlers. He opened his forge on Mudrake Downs, aptly named "Copperbeard's Craftworks," where he began creating exquisite weapons, tools, and jewelry infused with his Dwarven heritage and craftsmanship. Word of his skill and the quality of his work spread rapidly, and adventurers from far and wide came to Mudrake Downs seeking his masterful creations.   But Kael's journey to the island wasn't solely for personal glory and success. He also seeks to uncover the ancient secrets of The Belt of Xieon and the tales of lost artifacts and powerful relics. As he explores the surrounding lands and interacts with the other settlers, Kael is determined to uncover the mysteries of the islands and maybe even find legendary materials to craft truly exceptional works of art.   Kael Copperbeard's presence on Mudrake Downs has brought not only exceptional craftsmanship but also a sense of tradition and pride in Dwarven heritage. With his genuine heart and adventurous spirit, he continues to find his place in this newfound home, where his skills and aspirations merge with the island's unique community to create a tapestry of stories waiting to be told.
Current Location
1660 BE 1701 BE 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a zombie horde from the mud sea
Aligned Organization


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