Orc (Ixborn) Species in Xieon | World Anvil
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Orc (Ixborn)

Winged Orc's with Phoenix blood coursing through their veins.   Over the eons, hordes of Orcs from other worlds have emerged from the Barrens to settle the Bountyside.  A select few Orc Witches from each of the major clans that settled on Xieon used their magic to awaken a shard of Xieon.   The dormant creation energy of the crystalline Phoenix essence released before separating itself into motes of light.  The motes would bond with each of the Witches, impregnating them immaculately with their energy.  The 1st Ixborn were born almost a year later to lands they could rightfully claim by birthright.      When it became time for the inaugural combat of the ascension, the siblings agreed on terms before engaging in viscous battle. The spectacle captivated the other Orcs and bolstered their morale.   The birth of a culture had set root in the Bounties of Xieon.  From generation to generation the line has been passed down through only the Prez to produce winged children.   An heir is incapable of producing offspring until they have undergone ascension.   An honor only granted to them by the New Prez at time of their own ascension, however an Ixborn who's wings have been severed lack the ability to produce offspring with wings of their own.


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