Sir Tug of Squatchwood Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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Sir Tug of Squatchwood

Tug had completed his final training and pilgrimage to the Volcano after a few days of careful navigation in the jungle. However upon exiting the fey jungle, a few weeks had passed rather than days in the land untouched by fey magic. Before him stood an uneven mountain with the front face ripped a fifth of the way down. The walls, inner and outer hung or dug with homes. Achieving your devotion to Borealix was always a difficult task, one very few attempted, especially in the age of Czahten. After a couple months of rigorous training with the inhabitants of the volcano, a vision would appear to Tug leading him to a hidden burnt nest within perimeter of the volcano. Searching the nest you would uncover a green gem like blade with a sea of purple moving freely within. The blade itself felt textured like a jade marble yet could withstand blows from a common greatsword without a dent. After this the masters would cast your old shield into the forge and with it make a new ornate one, fitted you with fixed armor, and gave you a large flying bat as a travel companion. While flying over the fey jungle to avoid any further time dilations, the mount would be wounded by something causing the two of them to crash land into the jungle canopy. While the bat took the brunt of the impact on the descent, Tug was left battered on the grounded. He would fade in and out of consciousness, getting glimpses of beetle like monsters devouring his bat mount while before being carried below ground into what looked like a burrow. The beetle creatures would pull Tug into a ruined stone structured setting him against a carved stone wall. Light from various displays would illuminate the room, each filled with diaramas encased in a half globe.       Tug would gain enough strength to get up as the beetle creatures would start to calm down in their nests. Removing his new blade from its sheath, a glow would radiate around him 10 ft. Before him was a stone desk with a series of half completed globes as well as one covered over by a cloth. Removing the cloth revealed a lush looking terrarium with what looked like a diorama of a farm house on a pond. Being fond of nature you would pick it up to examine the object, turning it over to check the bottom before returning it right side up. Setting the globe down you would see speckles of magical energy fall like snowflakes inside, while the same effect is overtaking your body. Within seconds you are at the foot of a wooden desk, within a wooden cottage, and the warm feeling of spring can be felt from the open windows. Running to the door you throw it open to see a large field, untended to for sometime. There was also a large scorpion creature mulling about in the trees, that sprung to life at the sight of a new pet.       Bounding over to Tug, the creature who would call itself Balaghard would begin to check over its plaything. Tug would attempt to engage it in battle but Balaghard was too strong and unwilling to kill his new visitor so soon. Tug would wake up again in the house, this time on the patio overlooking the pond. Balaghard had dropped him there beside what looked to be 3 other deceased corpses, previous pets that had been discarded. Tug would take the trio to the back of the house and bury them before once again confronting Balaghard. The battle went much the same but to no avail, Tug would be forced to live in the home and cultivate Balaghards garden and fight him when he wanted to play.       Tug has remained in this cottage for 230 days and has managed to cultivate a nice garden, Balaghard only comes around every so often but the constant sparing has kept you sharp.
1582 BE 1676 BE 94 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old Age
Squatchwood, Freedheim
Place of Death
Isle of Edhi Tulah, Freedheim
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden brown fur
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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