Unamed Domain of Delight Geographic Location in Xieon | World Anvil
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Unamed Domain of Delight

Domain Theme   Kaleidoscopic. This domain is a riot of everchanging colors. Plants come in a dazzling array of colors, flowers change color to suit the prevailing mood, and Fey wear costumes of scintillating hues.   Musical. This domain abounds with music. Frogs, toads, and insects break into multipart harmonies that sometimes crescendo into a symphonic rapture of melodious tweets, trills, chirps, and whistles. Fey in this domain are just as musically inclined.   Poisonous (Mushroom Forest). Almost every plant here has spines or thorns that cause anything from itchy welts to damage or out-of-body experiences. Other sources of poison might be present as well (for example, toxic bogs or giant, poisonous Beasts)


A valley filled with grassy meadows and groves of trees along a running river, nestled between two snow-capped mountains that look like the points of a crescent moon   A complex of caves connected by passageways formed by Fey magic to create grand galleries and soaring vaults   Rolling farmland that yields healthy, bountiful produce of amazing size   A forest of tower-sized mushrooms, or a forest of tiny mushrooms that characters must shrink down to explore

Localized Phenomena

Flowers not only are abundant in the region but also have faces and limited sentience, allowing them to communicate with creatures in the Elvish and Sylvan tongues. They know what has transpired in the region within the past day and happily share this information   Harmless fireflies gather and flit around one character in the region, sharing that character's space for 1 hour. The fireflies generate bright light out to a range of 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. While surrounded by the fireflies, the character feels a profound sense of purpose and gains the benefit of the bless spell.


Mushroom Circle within The Mushroom Forest. This fey crossing appears as a circle of mushrooms. The size of the mushrooms and the width of the circle can vary, but activating the fey crossing requires that a particular act be performed inside it or a particular object or creature be present.   -Shortcut Routines/Magical Shortcuts   Eating a mushroom while gazing at one's own reflection in a clear pool or stream of water   Staring at firelight while playing a flute or singing about a fond memory   Holding hands and dancing around a tree at twilight
Dimensional, Pocket
Included Organizations
Characters in Location


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