
Lady Ixese

An ambassador from Vrekikar who is currently in Kaylux. Lady Ixese is a kindhearted woman who is generally well-liked. She is a noble of Vrekikar who decided young that she wanted to travel to the other kingdoms in the hope of bringing unity and understanding between them. She has been in Kaylux for two years now and has come up against much hostility from the court of Kaylux due to the tensions between Kaylux and Vrekikar. Nonetheless, she has been able to form connections and make friends.    Her opinions on King Ivasaar's claim on Qryl Canyon are unknown, but it is suspected that she finds it foolish for their kingdoms to be in conflict over this. Lady Ixese has, on some occasions, been rumoured to have advocated for a lack of borders entirely. It is not known for certain that this is a position she holds and when asked directly about it, she deflects.    Lady Ixese is also interested in the various fashions throughout the kingdoms and delights in learning as much as she can about them. As a result, she is incredibly knowledgeable about fashion and is skilled at making clothing as a hobby. She has been known to speak at length about such things for long periods of time, a habit which is sometimes received poorly by those on the other end of her thoughts.   When Lady Ixese was a teenager she fell quite ill and it was suspected that she would not survive long enough to see adulthood. She survived when a travelling healer happened to know a cure for this illness. The healer was from Breazaer and some attribute this event with her pursuit of unity between the kingdoms. Others claim that she had this passion before this event.    There are many who view Lady Ixese as being a great beauty, some even going so far as to call her the "jewel of Vrekikar" though this title has also been given to several others as well.
White, long, often braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm grey
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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