
The people of Kaylux are strange, but friendly. I found myself given much food, subjected to much dancing, and enamoured with such beauty while I was there. They all knew I was an outsider, likely from my covered feet, and yet they were almost all most welcoming. -Author of 'The Kingdoms of Elion
  Originating from the area of Kaylux, the kaylan people are known to be proud and somewhat strange. Their customs include a refusal to wear shoes, taking several partners, keeping their hair long and a clothing style that includes bold patterns and fabric bracelets, anklets and collar necklaces.   The kaylan people are generally welcoming to outsiders and are eager to share in their customs. If you choose to marry or bond with a kaylan, you are considered to have become kaylan as well.    It is not forbidden to cut one's hair nor is it looked down upon, but it is highly unusual to do anything more than shave the sides. Long hair is a mark of beauty in kaylan culture and to forgo that is quite a statement. Facial hair is less common, though it is often seen as adding to one's beauty when grown and properly cared for. Neglected hair is seen as a sign that one requires aid in their daily life.   The origins of their refusal to wear shoes are unknown, but it is speculated to stretch back far before the Age of Darkness and thus is lost to time.   As for their tradition of taking more than one partner, that is slightly more complex than it would seem at first glance. Keep in mind that the majority of nobility in Kaylux is kaylan and this has a bearing on the rest of this.   Those who are of the common class are free to bond and wed as many other partners as they wish as long as everyone within these family units is being properly cared for. Needs must not go unmet, stomachs must not be starved, and clothing and bedding must not be withheld. If one spouse is missing a meal, it must not be because it was given unfairly to another spouse. If a woman takes three husbands, she must not leave them to fend for themselves.   Those who are of a noble class must be more careful with their bloodlines. They may take one spouse and bond no others. It cannot be allowed that noble bloodlines spread so far as to become unmanageable. The exception to this is, of course, the ruler and the heir of Kaylux, who are allowed to wed one person and take as many bonded concubines as they wish. This is to allow them to make strong alliances with those of the other kingdoms and to increase the chances of having a child suited for the throne.   The kaylan people have no strong ties to the Old Gods or the New Gods, both forms of worship being equal in popularity. There are, of course, kaylans who are atheists or who adhere to other religions, but most will happily call themselves worshipers of these two most popular religions. Or, at the very least, believers in them.

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Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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