Creation Myth

The stories that describe the world of Xordandax is an odd one, and seem much more mundane than most, at least when one does not consider the scopes of power involved.   An Overgod by the name of Xordan while traversing the Prime Material Plane found abandoned and neglected micro worlds. These worlds were far smaller than a typical world. Some were so small that they should not have been able to support life, much less thriving civilizations. Yet they did.   Xordan gathered some of these micro worlds, and began to carefully combine them. Turning each world into a separate landmass so the civilizations on each would meet each other eventually and gradually, rather than all at once.   The first of these landmasses is known as Korzan. It is home to the civilized races of Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Additional territories are ruled by the semi-civilized gnolls and unruly and terrifying jungles.   The second of these landmasses is known as The Spine(Description to come)   The third of these landmasses is known as Entolusia(Description to come)   The Fourth of these landmasses is known as Kaldrasil(Description to come)


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May 8, 2024 04:57

1) I see the creation of the world, but is that something that the civilizations of these micro planes are aware of? a) If this myth isn't known to the people do they even have a creation myth? b) If this myth is known to the people why aren't they worshiping Xordan? c) Is it noticeable to the people that the world is expanding?   2) What is the interaction with the Gnolls? Friendly, Neutral, Hostile? Is this a situation where the Gnolls and the other races avoid each other? a) Per the creation myth there are Gnolls' on the currently version of the micro plane. b) They have an LA of 1, and 2 racial hit dice. Are they going to be available as a player character at some point?

Jun 10, 2024 16:03

People are aware the world is expanding. Hard to not notice when what used to be the edge of the world is now a continent with entirely new peoples on it that also insist you are from beyond the edge of the world.   If people choose to worship Xordan, they are free to do so. It wont change anything. They won't be able to become clerics of his. He wont grant them powers.   THe creation myth as we see it is not yet common knowledge. Ever third settlement has their own idea but the appearances of new lands is damaging those lesser ideas.   The relations between the gnolls and the elven/dwarven nations are antagonistically neutral.   Gnolls will become playable eventually, yes.

Aug 17, 2024 00:05

Whispering Vale plays into the Gnolls, and allows for a more civilized/structured Gnoll archetype.

Aug 21, 2024 21:15

What is Whispering Vale coming from?