
Alcohol is a recreational poison, and as such will attempt to poison the one that drinks it. To what degree and how that's determined will be outlined here.   Each Alcohol will have a strength score associated with it.   Each time you intake any form of alcohol there will be a fortitude save associated with it.   The first alcoholic beverage you drink, the fortitude save will be a DC 10+ 2x(Strength) of the alcohol itself.   Each additional drink after that your required fortitude score will increase by 1/4th of the strength score on the successive drinks, unless the new drink is strong enough that it's base DC would be higher. The minimum DC increase will be 1 even if the successive drinks are significantly weaker.  
  • Example 1: Your first drink is an Angelic Ale with a strength of 8 so your DC will be 26, then your second drink is the same ale, your first save will be a DC 26 and your second will be a DC 28.
  • Example 2: Your first drink is an Angelic Ale with a strength of 8 so your DC will be 26, but your second drink is Celestial Fire Whisky with a strength of 14 which would have a base DC of 38, your first save will be 26 but your second will be 38 instead of 29 because the fire whisky is so much stronger.
  • Example 3: Your first drink is an Angelic Ale with a strength of 8 so your DC will be 26, then your second drink is a poor local ale with a strength of 4, your first save will be DC 26 and your second will be DC 27.
As you progress through various stages of Drunkenness there will be effects that are inflicted upon you.
Drunkenness (de)buffs:
Social (+2 Diplomacy)
Tipsy (+2 Will Saves against fear, +2 Diplomacy)
Dizzy (-2 DEX // +2 Will Saves against fear, +2 Diplomacy)
Wasted (-2 DEX, WIS // +2 Will Saves against fear)
Hammered (-4 DEX, CON, WIS // +2 Will Saves against fear)
Smashed (-4 DEX, CON, INT, WIS // Sickened Condition)
Blackout (-6 DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA // Nauseated Condition)
Passout (-8 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA //Unconscious Condition)
  As DM discretion there may be an additional save after the initial, which upon failing the character will vomit. Possibly onto the hat of the nearest witch. The DM and/or players should read the room before trying to implement such a thing to make sure it's not going to be a problem for the DM and/or other players.   Do note that the +2 diplomacy bonus only applies if the drinking is taking place in a social situation. One can't run to the tavern and get tipsy, then run across town to negotiate with the guard captain for better pay.   When one fails their save, they go up at least one stage of drunkeded. Failing by 1-4 points is a single stage, with an extra stage for each increment of 5 the character fails by. This will be referred to as the rule of 5s.   A Nat1 on a fortitude save will insure escalating the stage by one, but the rule of 5s still applies to determine if they escalate by multiple stages.  
  • Example 1: A character is rolling against a DC of 22, and their resulting roll is a 19, they will increase from normal to social.
  • Example 2: The same character rolls a 8, they will instead go from normal to dizzy.
  • Example 3: A character is rolling against a DC of 10, and their results is a 15 but it's a nat1, they will increase from normal to social still.


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