
Bestial Instinct Have a valid unarmed or natural attack You suffer a -2 penalty to hit while using anything other than unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

Note: Handwraps or gauntlets still count as a valid unarmed strike for this purpose.
Insomiac A biological need to sleep or rest You have great difficulty achiving a full and restful sleep.
In order to get a full night of rest you must succeed at a DC 15 fortitude save.
If you are sleeping and a disturbance wakes you during the night you must make an additional save at the same DC to return to sleep.
If you fail your save, you will be fatigued when you rise in the morning.
Being faigued grants a +2 bonus to this save.
Being exhausted grants a +6 to this save.
Comfortable conditions such as a quality bedroom grant a +4 to this save.
Poor conditions such as in armor or on the ground grant a -4 penalty to this save.
Failing this save does not conflict with one's ability to prepare spells or regain abilities on a full rest.


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