Hunter's Haunt

6 Handaxe 6gp
9 Throwing Axe 8gp
9 Short Sword 10gp
2 Longsword 15gp
10 Scimitar 15gp
10 Trident 15gp
6 10x Bolts 1gp
10 10x Bolts 1gp
10 5x bolts in repeater magazine 1gp
10 5x bolts in repeater magazine 1gp
3 Padded Armor 5gp
10 Small Padded barding 5gp
10 Medium Padded Barding 10gp
10 Large Padded Barding 20gp
10 50x Crossbow Bolts 5gp
10 50x Arrows 2gp, 5sp
9 Leather Armor 10gp
10 Small Leather Barding 10gp
9 Medium Leather Barding 20gp
10 Large Leather Barding 40gp
6 Shortbow 30gp
10 Light Crossbow 35gp
10 +1 Search Ring 100gp
10 Longbow 75gp
10 Heavy Crossbow 50gp
10 Greataxe 20gp
10 Composite Shortbow 75gp
9 Composite Longbow 100gp
10 +1 Spot Ring 100gp
10 +1 Listen Ring 100gp
10 +1 Trap Making Ring 100gp
8 Masterwork Composite Longbow +1 500gp
10 +2 Survival Ring 400gp
10 Studded Leather 25gp
10 Chain Shirt 100gp
10 Buckler 15gp
10 Light Wooden Shield 3gp
10 Heavy Wooden Shield 7gp
10 Light Steel Shield 9gp
10 Heavy Steel Shield 20gp
10 Masterwork Gauntlet 302gp
10 Masterwork Dagger 302gp
10 Masterwork Club 300gp
10 Masterwork Sling 300gp
10 Candle 1cp
10 Piece of Chalk 1cp
10 Day's supply of firewood 1cp
10 Empty Flask 3cp
10 Clay Jug 3cp
10 10 foot ladder 5cp
10 Bedroll 1sp
10 Square Yard of Canvas 1sp
10 Fishhook 1sp
10 Inkpen 1sp
10 50x Masterwork Sling Bullets 300gp, 5sp
Shop, Generic


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