Member structure and interaction

Our community, and the discord related to it, has several membership tiers. And no, none of them are paid...for now.   @everyone: This is the default tier for discord, and means you have not yet figured out how to prove you are a human. Hint, read the description at the type of the channel.   @human: This is the lowest interactive rank. This shows you have passed the bot filter. You now have access to some of the social channels and can interact a bit, but you are still not claiming to have read these entryway documents so you won't have access to the back rooms or the gameplay sections.   @player: You have passed the entryway test, and now have access to build characters, interact in more involved features, and apply to games.   @[Gametitle]: These will be variable and named for various game regions/parties. With these tags, you will have access to more in-depth information for those regions and the means to access the voice channels and such related to them.   @ProbationaryDM: This is for the new DMs. You can only get this rank when/if a Loremaster things you have the potential to be a DM and want to take responsibility for you. A DM in training, so to speak. If you have this rank you are locked into that Loremaster's region and you may not travel. The Duty of a ProbationaryDM is to refine their knowledge of the game and how to run players through it.   @DungeonMaster: This is for the full-fledged DMs that have the freedom to move about the world with their party, those that are able to act more independently. The Duty of the DungeonMaster is to create content and run players through it.   @LoreMaster: This is for those that are at the top. They are the sounding board for when a ProbationaryDM or a DungeonMaster want to write a plot or story, they take it to the LoreMaster to make sure it fits in the area. In short, they are quality control. But on top of that, they help maintain the documentation here on World Anvil to make sure things are relatively up to date and that all your reading pleasure here actually has meaning. The LoreMaster's duties are to quality control lore, and to record it. THey shouldn't be trying to write the whole of it themselves.   Each of these ranks will be viewable separately in the Discord for a nice display, but it has more value than that.   When issues come up that get put to a vote, those with a higher rank will get more voting power. When I tally up the votes, a player will have 1 point of voting power. Someone that's actually in a game will get 2 points of voting power. A ProbationaryDM will get 3 points of voting power. A DungeonMaster will get 5 points of voting power, and a LoreMaster will get 7 points of voting power.   Another important thing to consider. While a DungeonMaster may also be a player in another party, so too a LoreMaster may be a DungeonMaster and a Player as well. So, there may be some overlap of duties at times.


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