Oshtur Daerzon

Oshtur Daerzon

Oshtur is a clean-cut well-groomed young man that is roughly average in height and weight. He possesses icy blue eyes and long hair that is darker than pitch black with a single lock/streak of incandescent ruby red.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

An ancient wizard, whose name has been lost to the annuals of time, took pity on a small group of people only to have one of them return and kill his beloved. In a fit of anger and vengeance, he took the parts of himself that he felt caused this merciful decision and removed them. The wizard would never suffer from the feelings of mercy or the pain of loss again. This hasty decision was a tragic mistake because he didn’t realize how crucial these parts were. Without these parts to balance his psyche, he became a creature of utter darkness and evil. Unknown to the wizard, these parts took on a life of their own as a flawed living clone spell.   As a young child, Oshtur was found in a large cave painted with various faded runes and sigils by a human named Erick. Erick eventually adopted the child and raised him as his own since he had already taken him in. For many years Oshtur lived in a grassy rural area outside of Crystal Tower and knew little beyond its borders. However, once Oshtur reached puberty, he started having odd dreams and vague memories that were not his own. This puzzled Erick and the few priests that examined the teen as they attempted to find the cause. He has memories that he cannot explain and knows things he should have no way of knowing. He has started traveling to some of the places that he has vague memories of in hopes of unraveling these mysteries.

Gender Identity

Cis Male



Intellectual Characteristics

Curious, Calculating, & Creative

Morality & Philosophy

1) He has vague memories that he cannot explain and doesn't understand (can be used as a major DM plot hook). 2) He is trying to visit those places. He has an urge to correct imbalances. 3) Travelling can be expensive so grouping with a party cuts down on cost, and he can earn money to travel more. 4) He wouldn't try to force them. More of a butterfly effect such as giving them the spark and seeing if it grows.

Oshtur is a clean-cut well-groomed young man that is roughly average in height and weight. He possesses icy blue eyes and long hair that is darker than pitch black with a single lock/streak of incandescent ruby red.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Icy Blue
Black with red lock
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8" tall
160 lbs
Known Languages
Modern Languages: Common, Celestial, Undercommon, Draconic, Elven   Ancient Languages: Roushoum (Imaskari), Loross (Netheril)


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