
Tiefling Stats:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Medium Sized
Based Land Speed 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
+2 racial bonus to bluff and hide
Darkness 1/day as a spell-like ability
+5 resistance to cold, electricity, and fire.
Automatic languages are Common and Infernal
Favored Class is Rogue
+1 Level adjustment


Tieflings enter Xordandax as refugees fleeing ahead of the same Infernal Creatures to which they owe their heritage.   Tieflings are a difficult subject to discuss and understand. Those seeking such knowledge will know them as the descendants of a union between an infernal creature and a human, though no less than three generations ago. Those that procreate with a fiend directly will produce a half-fiend offspring, many of which have more specific names depending upon the fiendish parent and the gender of the offspring. Those who procreate with a half-fiend will produce fiendish offspring.   However, any further dilution of the fiendish bloodline will tend to cause it to go mostly dormant, only to spring up periodically in future generations seemingly out of nowhere. The only true requirement to allow it to have any slim chance is both parents must appear completely as humans. A tiefling cannot be born from non-human parents. A human carrying an inert tiefling bloodline that procreates with an elf or half elf for example cannot have tiefling offspring. In a simular confounding fashion, two tieflings that procreate are more likely to have human offspring than they are to have tiefling offspring.   Those whom do not seek to understand such things simply see them as devils in a failed disguise trying to infiltrate human society. This will often quickly result in an aggressive shunning What may be worse however is those whom understand just a little bit, will believe them the direct offspring of a devil, resulting in the shunning and more of both the parents and the child. Due to fear of this impending stigma, those that are obviously tieflings are birth do not often survive to grow up.     Appearances:   In the current modern era of D&D, tieflings tend to all be perfectly beautiful flawless supermodels. A perfect red, blue, or purple skin color with two perfectly symmetrical horns gracefully flowing in a non-threatening way that makes them perfect for grabbing ahold of, and a soft figure perfect for carnal fantasies. Male or female, the results are the same. But in lore Tieflings are supposed to be described as monstrous and terrifying creatures with their descriptions making it seem as if their appearance is a a random amalgamation of all the possible creatures and races you can imagine. If you wish to play the perfect supermodel, that is a choice you can make. But if you wish to be seen as the scary unknown 'what the heck' that Tieflings were in 3.5e and before, here are some tables to help inspire you. Roll for it, or pick and choose if you so wish.   Appearance table: If you wish to leave your appearance to chance, roll 1d4. That is how many times you roll on this table. Roll and resolve each one of your d100 rolls one at a time.                                                  
01-04 Small horns on Forehead 05-06 Small horns on temples
07 Single horn on forehead 08-09 Long thing face
10 Fangs in mouth 11 All teeth are pointed
12 Forked Tongue 13-14 Pointed Ears
15 Fan like ears 16 Extremely long nose
17 Very small(almost unnoticeable) nose 18 Extremely long eyelashes
19-21 Red Eyes 22-23 Black Eyes
24 Feline Eyes 25-26 Extremely deep-set eyes
27-28 Green Hair 29-30 Blue Hair
31 Multi-colored hair 32-33 Six Fingers(Including thumb)
34-35 Three fingers (including thumb) 36-37 Black Fingernails
38-39 Red Fingernails 40-41 Fingers one inch longer than normal
42 Arms six inches longer than normal 43 Legs six inches longer than normal
44-46 Horse like legs 47-49 Goat like legs
50-52 Goat like hooves 53-55 Long thin tail
56-57 Horse like tail 58-59 Lizard like tail
60-62 Spiny Ridge on back 63-65 Spiny Ridges all over body
66-68 Hairless Body 69-71 Body covered in short fur or long hair
72-73 Body covered in striped markings 74-75 Extremely greasy skin
76-80 Scaly Skin 81-83 Leathery Skin
84 Small feathers rather than hair on 10-100% of body 85 Green tinted Skin
86 Blue tinted skin 87 Red Tinted Skin
88-89 Special Side effect (roll on next table) 90-94 Roll twice again, ignoring rolls above 89
95-100 Roll three times again, ignoring rolls above 89
  Special Side Effects(Currently unavailable for use)
RollSide EffectRollSide Effect
1-10 Ashy odor surrounds body 11-15 Sulfurous odor surrounds body
16-20 Rotting Odor surrounds body 20-25 Skin exudes ashy grit
26-30 Body casts no shadow 31-33 Body has no reflection in mirror
34-40 Susceptible to spells such as Spirit Wrack and Cacofiend 41-45 Tanar'ri react towards tiefling as though baetezu
46-50 Baetezu react towards tiefling as though Tanar'ri 51-60 Presence causes unease in animals
61-65 Presence causes unease in NPCs. Reactions at -4 66-70 Prolong touch withers normal plants
71-75 fingers treated as claws (1d4/1d3 damage) 76-80 Touch inflicts 1 point of damage due to high body heat
81-85 Touch inflicts 1 point of damage due to cold body temperature 86-90 Odd skin composition results in base AC of 1d6+3
91 Cannot reproduce 92 Holy Water inflicts 1d6 damage
93 Exposure to direct sunlight inflicts 1 point of damage per round 94 Cannot enter holy areas
95 Harmed only by magical or silver weapons 96-00 Intuitively can speak the language of one fiendish race
The following are potential randomized powers a tiefling can have. A tiefling player at creation may choose to give up 1-5 of their racial powers (Darkvision 60 feet, darkness 1/day, +5 cold resistance, +5 electricity resistance, or +5 fire resistance) to roll on this table an equal number of times. Your originating DM must be a witness to this as it's happening in order for it to be accepted.
01-03 Blur 1/day 04-06 Charm Person 1/day
07-09 Chill Touch 1/day 10-12 Comprehend Languages 1/day
13-15 Darkness 1/day 16-18 Detect good/evil 2/day
19-21 Detect Magic 3/day 22-24 Detect Thoughts 1/day
25-27 Invisibility 2/week 28-30 Know Alignment 1/day
31-33 Mirror Image 1/day 34-36 Misdirection 1/day
37-30 Pyrotechnics 3/week 40-42 Suggestion 1/week
43-45 Summon Swarm 1/week 46-48 Vampiric Touch 1/week
49-51 Whispering Wind 1/day 52-55 10 Fire Resistance
56-59 10 Cold Resistance 60-63 10 Electricity Resistance
64-67 10 Acid Resistance 68-75 Darkvision 120 feet
76-79 +2 on all saves vs fire 80-83 +2 on all saves vs electricity
64-87 +2 on all saves vs poison 88-91 +2 on all saves vs cold
92-95 +2 on all saves vs acid 96 +2 on all saves vs petrification, polymorph and paralysis
97 +2 on all saves vs spells from a rod, staff, wand or scepter 98 +2 on all saves vs spells
99 Roll twice, ignoring any results over 95 from these two rolls 100 Roll three times, ignoring any results over 95 on these three rolls.


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