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Commonly Known Factions, Groups, and Guilds

- Sentinels of Duskglass (Guards the Outer Cities) Also known as the Imperial Watch, any new recruits who aspire to joining the Knightly Order that guards Tirasei starts with this group. Each member bears a dagger made of duskglass as a symbol of their service.   - The Rambling Wheel (Hires out Caravan Services in the Southwestern Deserts) A diverse group of mercenaries based out of Oelas. They hire their expertise as wilderness guides to safely shepherd caravans across the land. With the advent of airships and the hopes of better portals and lightning rails, they've begun to fall on hard times.   - Dead Rats A criminal organization that exists to protect those who have been trodden down into the dirt by society. They operate a wide ranging network of spies and informants that utilize the    - Stormcrows A   - Royal Gambit A   - Kindred Scribes (Colloquially Known as Bloodquills) A monastic order associated with Nebris, the Goddess of Life. This group offers services for finding loved ones through the use of blood magics. They also provide marriage services in temples to Nebris and maintain genealogies for families on request. They are colloquially known as Bloodquills due to their use of blood magics as well as requiring blood to be signed on contracts that they fulfill.    - Circle of Arcane Verdigris (Colloquially Known as Coppers) A   - The Roving Oath (Colloquially Known as Rovers) A     Groups Currently in Imperial Service in Tirasei:
  • Knightly Order of Sovereigns (Guards the Imperial Family) (Colloquially Known as Crowns)
  • Originally formed from the children and descendants of the royal families of the nations the Empire conquered. Over time, the ranks have swelled with promising recruits from elsewhere, but pedigree still plays a role in the inner politics of this group.
  • Knightly Order of Duskglass (Guards Tirasei, Comprised Mostly of Gargoyles) (Colloquially Known as Duskers)
  • The highly trained guardians of the city of Tirasei. The oversized city needs a veritable standing army to police and only the swiftest can join its ranks. Originally formed by gargoyles made of duskglass that were brought into existence by the Imperial Family long ago. It is said that the first gargoyle to ever exist still commands this Order.
  • House of Omens (Provides Magisters and Espionage for the Imperial Family) (Colloquially Known as Sightless)
  • Encompassing all forms of the Arcane, this group provides the Empire with new spells, magical items, and enchantments for the Imperial Family. They are also the caretakers of the Spires that dot the lands of Aed'Iyira, bringing arcane power to even the lowliest of the Empire's citizens. The higher ranked members can easily be discerned as they walk with their eyes closed, a platinum eye medallion hanging from a silver chain on their brows.
  • Misericorde (Provides Espionage for the Imperial Family) (Colloquially Known as Mercies)
  • The information gathering arm of the Imperial Service, anyone at all could be a member. Their only calling card is when a body is found with a tranquil look frozen on its face and a wound in the shape of a six pointed star somewhere on their body where the spike was driven in.

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