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Murmer is the traveling companion to Sir Ambrose.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Murmer remembers nothing of her childhood from prior to living and working for the Rhosyn's. Whom she was promptly informed to call them Master, Mistress and Sir Ambrose. Master and Mistress were aware of her changeling race, but they informed her she is to keep it a secret. They informed her that her kind are disgusting and a blight on society. Manipulation tactic? Probably however she knew no better. So they created a guise for her to take on while under their roof, though she would keep this guise for as much and as long as possible. Keeping Sir Ambrose from finding out her true identity. Initially when creating the guise she attempted to take on a form that looked as though she could have been the Rhosyn's daughter, for that she received what would be her earliest memory of physical pain. Master and Mistress made it absolutely clear that she was NOT part of the family. Instead they came up with this red haired, olive skinned, hazel young girl, clearly everything the opposite of the Rhosyn's. They also informed her that she would not speak to Master and Mistress unless spoken to, she would be but a murmur in the house. Thus giving her the name Murmer.   Murmer was lonely through her childhood in the servitude of the Rhosyn's, though sometimes she would talk to Sir Ambrose when he would ask her questions. Sometimes she would go through the trash and find toys and clothing that the family would throw out. They were perfectly good and she would use them to make her own clothes and fix up the broken toys so she can play with them. One toy really stuck out to her, a black puppy stuffy. For some reason she felt gravitated towards fixing it up, it was torn up and missing stuffing. She fixed it up and played with it. This is when she formed an invisible friend named Siles. She would talk to the puppy stuffy and keep it with her as much as possible.
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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5/27/2021 - notes

  • We woke up the next morning
  • we saw the mouse-kin but it was Lyric.
  • - Lyric has found the ability to disguise himself. - Murner left to go draw
  • Ate breakfast
  • Went to meet Kotra
  • - Brit (drake)
  • Job offers:
  • - Ta Anfel "scorched city" • Bandit attacking caravans (200 gp for bandit info) - Atenda "Mining city" • Investigate a city made of white marble • House Rossai wants someone to investigate Offer: - possible pick of 2 or 3 items - lockbox of cinder - 3k gp - City of Mysroh Span - travel across Arkos Sea - Sailors say they are being attacked by ghost ship. - Get rid of attackers offer: 4K gp. - We needed another horse, Murmer bought a riding horse for her and Ambrose. - She named it peach.
  • 2 Dinos pull the gate wagon
  • people in blue & white guiding traffic through portals
  • - As we go through the portal there is a not normal feeling of getting stretched - something weird is going on with the portal. - we all got scanned except for Tier - muscle soreness - Seems like ALL Portals are having issues. - Travel time was not instant - Something is affecting time/super powerful - Stay at the Doeful Bat for the night then will regroup with the rest of the party on the next game.

    Traveling Caravan NPCs

    Blacksmith: Tarn - --helper: Kalas - Shopkeep: Dugg Sargo -   Brita Pernel - Riel Aleoch - Camp Master: Khafra Sartel - Healer: Rakush "The Gutter", Cleric to Suraj -

    4/15/2020 session notes

  • seems like the town knows more than they are letting on.
  • son is Aasimir
  • Daughter is Teifling
  • that seems important
  • There is a priest named Gavin Nazaro at the house.
  • he brought the daughter back.
  • The girl tells the group that the mouse hired the kids to get a book.
  • Book was delivered (by girl) Boy got book from sarcofagus but was possessed.
  • Murmer got upset at the priest and walked off.
  • She did not like how pushy the priest was
  • On their way to the inn the mayor cuts the group off.
  • Murmer leaves feeling uncomfortable.
  • The rooms were on the mayor that night
  • Murmer gets a room and goes to it to draw.
  • The group stays to talk to the mayor & Cleric
  • Murmer asked the inn keeper about any special smokes she might have
  • No but she will keep an eye out.
  • The group returned to the Inn, though Murmer is unaware
  • Break
  • The group also checked the items that were bought most of them were fake.
  • The next morning shadow described the mouse teleporting.
  • and that the shadow possessing the boy went North-East
  • Ambrose goes to check the area where due mouse merchant was.
  • He is casting detect magic
  • Murmer stays
  • The rest go to talk to the child (boy)
  • Ambrose doesn't find much except that Tei r's horse has abdjuration magic on it.
  • The group leaves the town to head back to the carrivan.
  • there is a dead guy in the road
  • lyric casts fly on Ambrose
  • Ambrose flys around
  • The group hears a horrific scream.
  • The group finds a creepy looking creature eating heads.
  • -when murmer approaches her crystal focus gets warm.
  • Murmer's focus absorbs the crystals on the
  • creature's body and the wounds on shadow Chaser.
  • Lyric healed shadow Chaser
  • Thoughts for next game:
  • Search body
  • Talk to Ambrose about the crystal
  • Thank Lyric For standing up for her.
  • 4/1/2021 Session Notes

    Session Notes 4-01 • The group had a vision of everything dead B destroyed in the town due to construct ← especially a copper dragon
  • at the end of the vision we heard laughing coming at sounded familiar (questionaire)
  • while the group figured out what to do in the well, Murmer went to draw what she saw and clear her head. • finally they descended the well and approached a image of a dragon with eye stock and under it was writing in abyssal. (come to find out it is so the dead don't come to life) Those who can't see in the dark (+ Norbit) stayed there while the others went off to investigate. • They encountered skeletons which were easily fought off and the team regrouped and continued forward. • Finding scalemail, helms & shortswords.
  • Ambrose found gems
  • • The group then carefully moved down a trapped hallway into another hall that ended in water.
  • The boy was in the water
  • still cant find girl
  • • Rescued the boy out of the water • Murmer stayed with him as the group continued on • She heard a scream and went to the room to find a bunch snails and on big one that died.
  • Once the other were done she went back to watch the boy.
  • The group thoroughly investigated the area and could not find the girl • They went back to take the boy back and upon exit the tomb vanished which caused a lot of water to rush back in. • The well now has water • Leaving the well the boy said something about "Leaving this meat suit" and smoke left him. End of Night


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